forex software

Create and Test Forex Strategies

forex software


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Installation Instructions

1. Download the Setup

You can download it here Forex Software Download.

If you get a dialogue looking like this one, click Run.

2. Starting the Setup

On this screen just click Next

3. License Agreement

To use FSB Professional you have to read and agree with our license agreement. If you finished reading and agree, click Next.

4. Choosing a Directory

We highly recommend that you install FSB Pro in the default directory.

5. Selecting Installation Type

If you plan to use FSB Professional with MT4, we recommend to:

  • Close MT4 if it is running right now
  • Leave the setup options as they are and just click the Next button

If you do not plan on using MT4, you can just uncheck the box and continue the installation.

6. Preserve/Reset previous settings

By default FSB Professional will preserve all program settings from the previously installed version. However, if you want to have a fresh installation and reset your previous settings for whatever reason, you can do that by unchecking the box. When you are ready, click Next.

7. Customer Experience Improvement Program

By default the program will be sending full anonymous usage statistics back to us. This will help us see how we can improve the program for you in the future versions. It is highly recommended to leave this option enabled.

More information on the Customer Experience Improvement Program

8. Installing the files

After you click next you will see a progress bar, please wait until it is filled up.

9. (optional) Bridge Installer

Bridge Installer

When the installer is ready (if you selected the option to install MT4 Bridge) the Expert Installer will appear. In most cases you just need to click on Install FSB-MT4 Bridge and see the “Done!” message in the textbox below the button.

If you experience any problems with this step please take a look at FSB-MT4 Bridge Installer where you can find more detailed information.

Click on Next to continue.

10. Finish Setup and Launch FSB Professional

Congratulations! You are done with installing FSB Professional. Click Finish to launch the program and start building and trading your strategies!