Create and Test Forex Strategies
The Strategy link on the main navigation bar leads you to a group of pages that present a single strategy. Usually, you will get to this page by clicking a strategy in the Collection or an Edit button on pages, which produces or modifies a strategy.
Each strategy in EA Studio has a unique ID.
The ID consists of two numbers - major and minor. The major number identifies the strategy. The minor number shows the strategy version.
When the Generator works it creates thousands of strategies. Some of these strategies make it into the Collection (based on their performance). Normally, it's very easy to reach 100 strategies in the Collection. Often it is very hard to understand what a strategy consists of, only by the balance curve. Many strategies have very similar balance curves but are based on different trading rules and numeric parameters. To help with this we added the strategy ID. The strategy ID easily shows how a strategy is related to other strategies that are loaded in EA Studio at the present moment.
Here are some important things to know about strategy IDs: