1 (edited by Popov 2015-08-07 20:02:31)

Topic: Forex Strategy Builder Professional v2.8 - Early Access

Hello Traders,

This is an early access to FSB Pro v2.8 security update.


* Included Expert Advisors Code v23. See more details here: Expert Advisors Code v23 - Early Access
* Fixed a minor issue with scrolling of the indicators properties panel.
* Fixed Save and Save As functions of cloned strategies.
* System quality number, Sharpe ratio and Holding period return stats are set to zero for losing strategies.
* Reduced the risk of a crash when program calculate strategies during reloading historical data.
* Fixed the text of the strategy records tiles on Strategy Collections page.
* Fixed Drawdown stats for the initial strategy in the Monte Carlo confidence table.
* Fixed an eventual crash when finding the default strategy folder.
* Strategy Overview shows LTF info.
* Updates of the language files texts.
* Fixed the number format of dynamic info of Small indicator chart.

Attached FSB Pro v2.8.1 Early Access.

Attached FSB Pro v2.8.2 Early Access.
- Expert Advisor code v24
- Fixed GUI scaling on Medium font.

Attached FSB Pro v2.8.6 Early Access.
- Fixed and optimized almost all tools for preventing memory leaks.
- Improved Multi Markets tool. It allows now loading and testing data from different data sources, symbols and periods. Please note that the Multi Markets tool uses only the main data period for backtesting. If your strategy contains ambiguous bars, you have to test it with the Method Comparator tool.
- Added Arabic translation contributed by Mr. Wael Moussa
- Forex Strategy Builder tested on Windows 10.

Attached FSB Pro v2.8.7 Early Access.
- Multi Markets saves and reloads the used data sets per base charts.
- Optimized memory usage after releasing unused data files.
- All strategy tools recalculate the strategy and redraws if it is necessary.
- Fixed crashes when closing "busy" strategies.


Download link removed.

2 (edited by GD 2015-07-14 19:16:48)

Re: Forex Strategy Builder Professional v2.8 - Early Access

EAs exported but nothing is executed well.
Some problems with mQl codes in mq4 nad mq5
I used Staedy bands, previous bar closing and Vidya Moving Average
I Return to old version until everything to be fine


Re: Forex Strategy Builder Professional v2.8 - Early Access

Is there a difference between execution of the experts with the new EA code and the old code for that strategy?


Re: Forex Strategy Builder Professional v2.8 - Early Access

I will check it tomorrow and answer
I checked the points at EA and charts. Obbious problems.
In charts there are normal trades but in EAs MT4 only one.
The same problems is in MT5. I find in both cases obvious problems.
That is why I wrote it.

Re: Forex Strategy Builder Professional v2.8 - Early Access


It looks completely normal for me.

Re: Forex Strategy Builder Professional v2.8 - Early Access

Attached FSB Pro v2.8.1 Early Access uploaded to the first post.

Fixed various GUI issues
  * Wrong controls redrawing;
  * Fixed scaling on Medium font.

7 (edited by GD 2015-07-15 01:15:14)

Re: Forex Strategy Builder Professional v2.8 - Early Access

1> I will try again 2.8.1.
Does it include the changes relative to not recognition of end of bar?
I mean execute trade before the last 15 sec of the last bar's "official" close or the first tick after the "official" open of the next bar in mql code?
2>Where can I find css code of last changes? Did you upload or you will do it later?

Re: Forex Strategy Builder Professional v2.8 - Early Access

Does it include the changes relative to not recognition of end of bar?

Yes, it is.
* Included Expert Advisors Code v23. See more details here: Expert Advisors Code v23 - Early Access

2>Where can I find css code of last changes? Did you upload or you will do it later?

CSS stands for Cascading Style Sheets. It is a language used for styling websites. Probably you mean CS, which stands for C#.
The major part of the changes are in the core of FSB and are not publicly available. You can find the CS code of all indicator on our GitHub repo FSB_Pro_Indicators.
If you mean the changes related to the closing time execution, they are only in the EA MQL files. You can find all MQL code files in your MQL4 folder.

9 (edited by GD 2015-07-15 08:58:27)

Re: Forex Strategy Builder Professional v2.8 - Early Access

I have good news. MT4 works fine. Verified.

Relative to cs you are right, but sometimes when I write other cores of my PC do other things...

I did not see yet this scrollbar...

Some minors bugs i.e no evidence of some menus are now shown correctly in 2.8.1

Could you add Consecutive Wins also in Statistics_ i.e.  Consecutive Wins/Consecutive Losses      shown as  5/3 ?

One important index could be:  <WIN/MAX WIN> per trade for wins and Losses separate.
<> means mean value

Re: Forex Strategy Builder Professional v2.8 - Early Access

Do I have to re export all my EA with the new changes in the code?

11 (edited by GD 2015-07-15 09:59:57)

Re: Forex Strategy Builder Professional v2.8 - Early Access

In ONE CASE MT4 Result was fine and in coincidence with FSB
MT5 Does not Trade at all.

In the other does not.

Still Checking
Still Checking

Re: Forex Strategy Builder Professional v2.8 - Early Access

Do I have to re export all my EA with the new changes in the code?

Short answer:
  Update all Expert Advisors that trade on a demo account.

Long answer:
The new code manages safer closing at Bar Closing. It may be useful in short time frames and fast markets where you can set shorter time close advance (5 sec for example). It will make the closing more precise. Read the original EA update post to see all the changes. Try your EA on a demo account first.

13 (edited by GD 2015-07-15 10:49:55)

Re: Forex Strategy Builder Professional v2.8 - Early Access


MT4 EAs sometime are fine, giving almost identical trades.

Sometimes, I observe a shift of trades by few bars.

MT5 does not show any trades. This is sure.

Generator looks to work better.

I Used previous advisor in M1, eurusd

There are instabilities

The problem with bar maybe...

I attach you the strategy.

Post's attachments

Strategy.xml 13.95 kb, 5 downloads since 2015-07-15 

You don't have the permssions to download the attachments of this post.

Re: Forex Strategy Builder Professional v2.8 - Early Access

MT5 does not show any trades. This is sure.

What is sure?

MT5 Tester:

MT5 Demo trade:

Re: Forex Strategy Builder Professional v2.8 - Early Access

GD your strategy trades on MT5.


Are you intentionally loosing my time?

16 (edited by GD 2015-07-15 11:49:00)

Re: Forex Strategy Builder Professional v2.8 - Early Access

In Mt4 one Long Trade becomes One SHORT and One LONG trade.

In MT5 it does not Trade.

I already attach you the Strategy I use in previous comment.
You answer me using another strategy.

Sorry presenting my observations. I tried to help you.

If it will trade correctly I will inform you.

Thanks for support.

17 (edited by GD 2015-07-15 12:48:34)

Re: Forex Strategy Builder Professional v2.8 - Early Access

In case of MT4 there were trades at custom period.

In case of MT5 there were no trades at same custom period used for MT4.

When I increased number of bars in Tester then there were trades in MT5.
MT5 need more bars to run. "Why" it is not clear.

During Run of new version, I found many problems with Administrator issues, in order strategies to be copy at the directories of MT4 and MT5 from FSB. "RUN As Administrator" in all cases was good for me. Many people in this forum had problems with that.

At lower time frames for same data bars MT4 and FSB trades are enough close. So it is important to take this thing in account when somebody designs a strategy, in order to see the strategy to show same behavior with FSB

In other case for data from different  brokers you can see, as myself, one trade to break to two ones or even to loose one trade in smaller TFs

Miroslav my friend nobody wants to make fun to you. Cool Down.

Re: Forex Strategy Builder Professional v2.8 - Early Access

I found many problems with Administrator issues,

It happens when you installed MT and FSB as different users.
I'm writing this post from my machine but logged in as another not admin user and I noted that the MT I have installed on that desktop doesn't allow me to log-in.

Fortunately FSB works as a charm for all users of the computer.

If you see the place where MT installs their expert, you'll notice that the plae is different for every user of computer.
For example:


"Miroslav" is the usual user I'm log-in and the Experts folder of MT is under Miroslav's files.

However now I'm loged-in as another user and I MT doesn't work as usual.
You have to ask Metaquotes for these issues.

Fortunately Forex Strategy Builder Professional stores its files on one place for all users:
C:\Program Files\Forex Strategy Builder Pro\User Files\Strategies

We do everything possible to make the the work of our user easier.

19 (edited by GD 2015-07-15 16:05:59)

Re: Forex Strategy Builder Professional v2.8 - Early Access

Did you ever imagine that some people have reasons to use

C:\Program Files (x86)\MetaTrader 4\MQL4\Experts
C:\Program Files\MetaTrader 5\MQL5\Experts

Anyway forget it

Re: Forex Strategy Builder Professional v2.8 - Early Access

GD wrote:

Did you ever imagine that some people have reasons to use

C:\Program Files (x86)\MetaTrader 4\MQL4\Experts
C:\Program Files\MetaTrader 5\MQL5\Experts

Please take a look at that guide: Where can I find my EAs, indicators, etc. on MT4 Build 600?

Re: Forex Strategy Builder Professional v2.8 - Early Access

When I first started with Strategy Builder.... I was pretty pleased to have something that would generate a strategy that would have certain metrics...  To me that was profound, I used to run 4 instances on one computer and two instances on a laptop.

And then I would hook up the trader and the good things would happen....

Today...... the software runs multicore and spews out an EA for MT4 or MT5, or both, at the same time for every instance I have on my computers....

The generator can be customized to suit what ever parameter I want and the optimizer will do the fine tuning. and soooooooo fast.

With a little creativity I can get the 'perfect ' combination of metrics for the EA.

The only problems that I get when running FSBPro are related to my computer when I have too many things running at once and eventually have to shut down and reboot.

I think that sometimes we forget just how powerful this program is and how far advanced it has become compared to anything else on the market.

Yesterday I made a strategy by taking the Macd and setting up every variable of that indicator with a logical operator; How much coding would that have taken if I had been writing the code? How many hours? It took me 5 minutes to set the thing up and within a few minutes I had the first results ready to be exported.

A few days ago I took a strategy with a win/loss of 27 and made it have a win/loss of 97 and a Sharpe of 3.45 - in minutes...

I think this program is like a Godsend.!

22 (edited by GD 2015-07-16 08:55:03)

Re: Forex Strategy Builder Professional v2.8 - Early Access


What TF do  you use per each EA?

How many bars per each EA?

Re: Forex Strategy Builder Professional v2.8 - Early Access

15 min and up

not sure what you mean by bars per each EA

24 (edited by GD 2015-07-16 12:42:09)

Re: Forex Strategy Builder Professional v2.8 - Early Access

I mean number of bars you use for testing

Re: Forex Strategy Builder Professional v2.8 - Early Access

GD wrote:

I mean number of bars you use for testing

I use whatever the max is in FSBPro and then use, most of the time, from 2001 in MT4 or MT5 for final testing.

I don't change the maximum in FSBPro.

I try to get a good result in Multi Markets, that is worth, to me., a lot more than using a gazillion bars to backtest.

If I get a good Multi Markets with 50,000 bars I am satisfied.