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Forex Software → Expert Advisor Studio → [July Update] Preset Indicators for the Generator and the Reactor

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Posts: 17

1 (edited by ViniQ 2018-07-03 07:35:47)

Topic: [July Update] Preset Indicators for the Generator and the Reactor

Hello trading friends, I bring good news!
We had an update in EAS last weekend and now we can preset indicators for the generator and the reactor!

Wait but what is the purpose of a preset indicator?
it's similar to "lock indicator" that we have in Forex Strategy Builder.

Let's suppose you want to find strategies that follow the trend eg: bar opens > MA(Close, 200).

You can set it up under  "Tools > Preset Indicators"

Check the box in the Generator/Reactor Settings

It's ready! The generator now I'll be mining only strategies that include such rule.


Let's suppose that you want to find highly specialized strategies for short trading only

Now you can do it easily, just include the indicator "Long or Short"

This is a very interesting resource and it was being eagerly awaited by the community, I hope that you liked it!

Have any tips to share with us? Please share it or comment below with your suggestion.

Trade Safe!

Re: [July Update] Preset Indicators for the Generator and the Reactor

Great improvement!
EA Studio is getting better and better. Thanks for your hard and good work.


Re: [July Update] Preset Indicators for the Generator and the Reactor

What about in preset indicators to permit higher TF indicators?

Re: [July Update] Preset Indicators for the Generator and the Reactor

Signal shift, signal repeat and eventually HTF are for the next development cycle. I have strict plan till the end of 2018, which will bring you a bunch of cool features.

5 (edited by hannahis 2018-07-04 09:35:45)

Re: [July Update] Preset Indicators for the Generator and the Reactor

Popov wrote:

Signal shift, signal repeat and eventually HTF are for the next development cycle. I have strict plan till the end of 2018, which will bring you a bunch of cool features.

There is no Signal Shift feature in the Preset Indicators.  You mean to say - change the parameters to convert to higher time frames?

I've some spare time with my FSB Pro EA development and thus decided to divert some time to try out EA Studio (with a little more testing) and wow, I really begin to fall in love with the use of EA looking forward for more FSB Pro features in EA Studio.

Please include Break Even and Winners option, many thanks.

Keep up the excellent work!

PS: Popov where is the Optimisation for Signal, Base Price and Smoothing method (for FSB Pro) that you "promised" me in May? Are you still working on it or you have decided to abandon this idea?

Re: [July Update] Preset Indicators for the Generator and the Reactor

Hi Popov - Cool Feature!  Would really be cool if you could choose if the preset indicator applies to entry or exit rules.



7 (edited by hannahis 2018-07-08 12:06:22)

Re: [July Update] Preset Indicators for the Generator and the Reactor

Hi Popov,

EA Studio generate good strategies and often I want to save a particular strategy as Preset Indicator and then use this strategy's opening and closing rules as Preset Indicator to generate and search for the next best 2nd rule to improve the strategy further.

So is it possible to have a "tick box" whereby I can click it and that strategy's open and close rules are automatically saved as Preset Indicator so that I don't have to "copy" and input these setting manually, cos I'm afraid in the process of copying the setting and input it manually, I may somehow key in wrongly the settings.

Re: [July Update] Preset Indicators for the Generator and the Reactor

Would really be cool if you could choose if the preset indicator applies to entry or exit rules.

@PT Yes, of course. I'll add an "Exit rules" preset section later.

@Hannah Your request is too specific without obvious benefits. You can just leave the Generator longer in order to find other possible winning combination.

9 (edited by hannahis 2018-07-09 17:15:10)

Re: [July Update] Preset Indicators for the Generator and the Reactor

@Hannah Your request is too specific without obvious benefits. You can just leave the Generator longer in order to find other possible winning combination

From my own personal experience, when I add a 2nd rule to an existing good EA, it would make the EA more "stable" with less false signal.

I know the Generator can find millions of winning combination but I don't need to keep "finding new ones" when I can work on existing "proven"good EA and improve them further to bring up the PF value etc.

What's the point of having thousands of "mediocre" EA when we can build better ones "rules by rules" using the Generator to work on improving the existing good EA by using these good EA's entry/exit rules as Preset Indicators.

Which do you prefer?  Having thousands of EA with PF value around 1.2 or having just a few excellent EA with PF 2.5?

Re: [July Update] Preset Indicators for the Generator and the Reactor

Hannah, just add an Acceptance Criteria of PF 2.5 and leave the Generator working.

Which do you prefer?

A fast and reliable application that works best for most of the users.

11 (edited by hannahis 2018-07-10 07:50:11)

Re: [July Update] Preset Indicators for the Generator and the Reactor

Popov wrote:

Hannah, just add an Acceptance Criteria of PF 2.5 and leave the Generator working.

Which do you prefer?

A fast and reliable application that works best for most of the users.

Yes, I'm trying this too.

In my opinion, it's harder to get a Single rule to work so well.  This 1 rule is to do the job of triggering to enter and do the job of filtering out noise at the same time. 

But when you have 2 rules, 1 of the rule is to trigger the entry point and another to act as a filter to eliminate false entries.

So to expect one to find such an excellent 1 rule that can do both triggering and filtering is exceptional. 

Still I'll keep trying different method to see the potential of EA Studio.  So far, I'm really happy with the results.

PS: Popov, I've sent you my Collection file which I can't open it EA Studio in the Portfolio section.  When I press the Stats, there is no results and hence, can't export the Portfolio Expert.  Can you kindly look into it.  Otherwise, I'm generating so much but can't export these strategies as Portfolio Expert

12 (edited by hannahis 2018-07-10 07:57:17)

Re: [July Update] Preset Indicators for the Generator and the Reactor

Anyway, you already provided us with the Preset Indicator Function, all I'm asking is to allow a "tick" function for us to press so as to save the rules automatically as preset instead of setting it manually.  It's like FSB Pro, whereby we just click and our strategies are save as template for us to reuse again and again without the need to manually input them repetitively.

PS: I was asking for Profit Trailing function and you mentioned EA Studio already has this function.  Sorry, I'm still new, where to find this function to add in the Editor section?  I can't find profit trailing indicator in the list of indicators allowed.  Did I miss out something?

Note: There is a difference between a) Trailing function b) Profit Trailing function.

A) Trailing - starts to trail with the position is open (irregardless whether floating profit or floating loss)

B) Profit Trailing -starts to trail when the position reached certain level of preset profit eg. Profit Trailing at 15 pips means that position will reach floating profit 15 pips first before it starts to trail with a distance/gap of 15pips thereafter.

Re: [July Update] Preset Indicators for the Generator and the Reactor

Hello Traders,

A new version of EA Studio is uploaded. Now you can set up to 3 Entry rules and 1 Exit rule in the Preset Indicators. Please reload EA Studio with Ctrl + F5.

You can send a strategy from the Editor to the Preset Indicators. (Hannah request). It is useful when you have found a good setup and want to build a strategy around it.

Please report any issues.

Trade Safe!

Re: [July Update] Preset Indicators for the Generator and the Reactor

Hi Popov,

Thanks a zillion!!!

Really appreciate you taking the time to understand our needs and add in features to improve users experience and make EA Studio such a super user friendly software.

Have a great week ahead smile

Re: [July Update] Preset Indicators for the Generator and the Reactor

Hi Popov!

Wow!! You are a rockstar man!! That's an excellent improvement to EA Stuido! Thank you

Re: [July Update] Preset Indicators for the Generator and the Reactor

When i preset an indicator and use it. It will only find strategies with the settings which are set in Preset entry rules. It will be better to get in option that we can preset the indicator but the generator will change the parameters itself. For example i add Candle Color and set bullish candle formed. Than generator will change bullish candle formed in bearish candle formed itself. Is this possible.

Re: [July Update] Preset Indicators for the Generator and the Reactor

If you switch on the optimization in the Reactor, it may optimize the numeric values of the Preset Indicators.

The Generator may choose a proper logical rule and numeric values during the generation process. Be sure that the indicator you want is selected on in the Available Indicators list.

Posts: 17

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Forex Software → Expert Advisor Studio → [July Update] Preset Indicators for the Generator and the Reactor

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