Topic: Forex Strategy Builder v2.54 RC

Dear users,

Here comes the newest Forex Strategy Builder v2.54 RC.

Download link: FSB_2.54_RC.exe

It contains a number of new features and fixes:

- Bar Explorer plots all cancelled orders within a bar range.
- Generator catches exceptions from buggy indicators and displays debug info.
- Generator - 0 working minutes means that no limits.
- Optimizer and Generator play sound when finish calculations;
- Generator plays sound when all slots are locked;
- Optimizer plays sound when there are no selected parameters;
- Comparator plays sound when there are no selected methods;
- Chart - added vertical scale change: Ctrl + and Ctrl -.
- Bar chart and candle chart - Space.
- Generator - Initial optimization improved.
- Balance chart added to the Strategy Properties dialog.
- Numeric fields of the indicators were improved. Now we can write real numbers easier.
- Generator updates last strategy in the Generator History when it has the same balance.
- Changed ADX, DI, ATR, and ATR Stop. "Use previous value" repaired.
- True Charts repaired. Chart shift depends on Base Price instead of "Use previous bar value".
- Optimizer updates optimized values in real time.
- When OOS is used, Balance/Equity Chart shows OOS balance.
- Chart buttons do not scroll the chart.
- Intarbar scanner loads data automatically.
- Intarbar scanner - an "Automatic scan" checkbox added.

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strategy_properties_with_chart.png 29.67 kb, 1 downloads since 2010-09-09 

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Re: Forex Strategy Builder v2.54 RC

Great  job

Re: Forex Strategy Builder v2.54 RC

Such option will be added under the Tools menu in the final release.

Please report any issues you notice.

Re: Forex Strategy Builder v2.54 RC

In the last version I had the problem with the generator, which works now.

Thank you, great job.

Re: Forex Strategy Builder v2.54 RC

hans753 wrote:

In the last version I had the problem with the generator, which works now.

It's good the problem was solved but I suppose that it was in some custom indicators instead in the generator. If the Generator shows debug messages, please report the errors to the author of the indicator. This issues have to be fixed in the indicator's source code.

Re: Forex Strategy Builder v2.54 RC

Please could you support newer .NET framework versions in the future releases of the FSB.

I made a fresh Windows XP (32-bit) reinstall with NET framework 4.0 and when I tried to install FSB then I got this message:

I need to install NET 2.0 to get FSB working.

Re: Forex Strategy Builder v2.54 RC

Dhis is very starnge.
Framework 4.0 must support earilier version. Actually it is .NET 2 + other technologies. Did you update you windows?

I actually use .NET 3.5 when compiling the program but since I do not more technologies than ware included in .NET 2.0 I set that version for backward compatibility. Nothing will change if I compile with options for .NET 3.5 or 4. But the users with owder comps will not be possible to run the program.

It's possible the installation program to not recognises .NET 4.0. I'll check for a solution.

Re: Forex Strategy Builder v2.54 RC

I'm running WinXP SP3. I updated the computer via windows update (aproximately 60+ updates) several days ago. Then I installed .NET 4.0. If I tried to install FSB I got this message mentioned above. 

I also reinstalled .NET 4.0 after the first notification message. If the second attempt failed I installed .NET 2.0 to get FSB working.

Re: Forex Strategy Builder v2.54 RC

I was thinking to send you FSB without check of the NET version in installer.

I just installed new copy of Win 7 and FSB installed without problems.

Re: Forex Strategy Builder v2.54 RC

Popov wrote:

I was thinking to send you FSB without check of the NET version in installer.

I just installed new copy of Win 7 and FSB installed without problems.

Hello, I have the same problem - I have installed framework 4.0 but the FSB installer requires me to install 2.0. Would you send me the "FSB without check of the NET version in installer" version?

Благодаря smile

Re: Forex Strategy Builder v2.54 RC

I'll prepare a portable version of FSB without an installer. Check the download page.

Re: Forex Strategy Builder v2.54 RC

Dear Popov:

Can you add to the features monthly data please? or monthly charts.

Thank you very much, Jaime.