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Forex Software → Forex Strategy Builder Professional → FSB Pro does cache the strategy charts on Start Page

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Topic: FSB Pro does cache the strategy charts on Start Page

Popov wrote:

You have to load and recalculate all strategies that use LTF indicators and to re-export your experts.

The start page Charts didnot updated accordingly it stay with the old charts but when press the chart it gives the new right calculations !!!

Re: FSB Pro does cache the strategy charts on Start Page

When you save a strategy, the program saves also the last backtest data in the strategy file. The Start Page reads that data and composes chart tiles. You'll see updated tiles when you save recalculated strategy.

Re: FSB Pro does cache the strategy charts on Start Page

I opend Z3 strategy in editor window then recalculate then save but the chart in the start page remains the same !!!!!

Post's attachments

z3 after recalculation and saving editor window.gif
z3 after recalculation and saving editor window.gif 10.17 kb, file has never been downloaded. 

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Re: FSB Pro does cache the strategy charts on Start Page

This is Microsoft Office 365.

I changed the file but the start screen is the same.


Because this is a dump view with screenshots. You have two other tools for dynamically reviewing strategy performance - Strategy Collection and Strategy Portfolio.

Do you imagine that the Start page loads the data files for 30-40 strategies and recalculate them in real time together with the other tools. You'll need 128 GB RAM and 32 core processor.

Save your strategies, close the program. Open the program and the Start Screen will show the updated charts. Why? Because it is a Start Screen.

Re: FSB Pro does cache the strategy charts on Start Page

Use the option "Close start page after strategy load". It will magically fix the problem.

Re: FSB Pro does cache the strategy charts on Start Page

Haha  I wish I had 32 core processor!

Re: FSB Pro does cache the strategy charts on Start Page

Blaiserboy wrote:

Haha  I wish I had 32 core processor!

no i do not wish for a 32 core.....only for a million usd

Posts: 7

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Forex Software → Forex Strategy Builder Professional → FSB Pro does cache the strategy charts on Start Page

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