Topic: Forex Strategy Builder Pro Version Beta 1.3, April 14, 2014

I still receiving the error Msg I have some comments :

1- when trying to send the error msg it gives me sent if i write an email or Not!!!!!

2- the error Msg has no data about which indicator gives the error msg!!!

3- Save to file option Grayed out!!

4- Why the new Pro versions shows the error Msgs '' I made no changes in custom indicators and these custom indicators were working great  So why it start giving the error alarms now !!!!

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Re: Forex Strategy Builder Pro Version Beta 1.3, April 14, 2014

1- when trying to send the error msg it gives me sent if i write an email or Not!!!!!

Providing an email is not obligatory. You can send reports with or without emails. The emails are usable in two ways:
- I may send an email to the reporter to ask for additional details.
- I have some glue about how many users has experienced this particular bug. For example, I received several similar reports form one user. The conditions of the crash are very strange and the worst is that I cannot reproduce it. So ,I contacted this user to send me more info.

2- the error Msg has no data about which indicator gives the error msg!!!

The software I'm using for these crash reports compiles info about the state of FSB on the moment of the crash. The report includes the current values of parameters and the functions. I'm receiving that info.

3- Save to file option Grayed out!!
There is an option for allowing the program to save the crash info to the file, but I intentionally switched it off. This file is useless for the user and the only purpose is to be sent to me. Probably it will be useful if the crash happens offline and a user sends the saved file later.

4- Why the new Pro versions shows the error Msgs '' I made no changes in custom indicators and these custom indicators were working great  So why it start giving the error alarms now !!!!

There are several bugs currently in FSB Pro and they are not related to the custom indicators. I'm trying to fix them as fast as possible. The huge problem is that I cannot reproduce the bugs. They never happen on my 3 testing machines. So I'm testing hour after hour trying to make FSB Pro crash. It's exhaustive and ungrateful work. Finally I'm trying to find the error by reading the code.

For example, there is a bug now that happen when a user closes the program with a Generator running. The program crashes on closing with a message  - There is no "New Strategy" page. Where "New Strategy" is the strategy name being generated.

If you want to test the custom indicators, you can use "Test custom indicators" command in Control Panel -> Custom Code. It may find some bugs.

Other example, I received three errors in a row from one user (I know that because it was filled in his email) about a custom indicator. I'll check the problem and will mail him with an advise.

Re: Forex Strategy Builder Pro Version Beta 1.3, April 14, 2014

Popov wrote:

2- the error Msg has no data about which indicator gives the error msg!!!
The software I'm using for these crash reports compiles info about the state of FSB on the moment of the crash. The report includes the current values of parameters and the functions. I'm receiving that info.
3- Save to file option Grayed out!!
There is an option for allowing the program to save the crash info to the file, but I intentionally switched it off. This file is useless for the user and the only purpose is to be sent to me. Probably it will be useful if the crash happens offline and a user sends the saved file later.

It will be better to know the reason & source of error to be easily fix it

Re: Forex Strategy Builder Pro Version Beta 1.3, April 14, 2014

Popov wrote:

Other example, I received three errors in a row from one user (I know that because it was filled in his email) about a custom indicator. I'll check the problem and will mail him with an advise.

I think iam that user smile from my yahoo Mail  right !!

Re: Forex Strategy Builder Pro Version Beta 1.3, April 14, 2014

It will be better to know the reason & source of error to be easily fix it

Unfortunately it is not possible. The FSB Pro distribution files are encrypted and  the error messages will be in broken Chinese. The software I'm using decrypts the program status variables and I can read them.

Re: Forex Strategy Builder Pro Version Beta 1.3, April 14, 2014

Popov wrote:

It will be better to know the reason & source of error to be easily fix it

Unfortunately it is not possible. The FSB Pro distribution files are encrypted and  the error messages will be in broken Chinese. The software I'm using decrypts the program status variables and I can read them.

So Could you apply such type of error testing or any future Errors by using the FSB free version so we could know where are the errors  and fix it before install the indicators in the pro