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Forex Software → Expert Advisor Studio → EA Studio's Generator Faster, Updated Chart

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Posts: 4

Topic: EA Studio's Generator Faster, Updated Chart

Hello Traders,

I uploaded a new version of EA Studio with updated Balance Chart.

Now the Balance chart shows the lines of the previously found strategies for several seconds. The purpose of the update is to be more visible how the newest strategy compares with the previous ones.

Here are screenshots from the Light and the Dark colour themes.

I also found that the way the Generator updates the chart can be optimized. Now it is 6% - 8% faster than before because it spends less time on chart redraw.

Please report any issues you may experience.

Trade Safe!

Re: EA Studio's Generator Faster, Updated Chart

Popov wrote:

I uploaded a new version of EA Studio with updated Balance Chart.

Progressive perfection :-)

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Re: EA Studio's Generator Faster, Updated Chart

Awesome! Thanks Popov!

Re: EA Studio's Generator Faster, Updated Chart

The progress has a numeric representation:

Please note that the green colour means improvement and EA Studio marks the Drawdown with green when is lower than the one of the previous strategy.

The Generator output table shows the difference between the current strategy metrics and the previous one for about 10 seconds.

The Optimizer and the normalizer show the metrics delta between the initial strategy and the optimized one.

Posts: 4

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Forex Software → Expert Advisor Studio → EA Studio's Generator Faster, Updated Chart

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