Topic: Strategy Results Not The Same with MT4

Hello guys!

I have developed a strategy which has almost perfect results on FSB. However when I test the strategy with the MT4 tester the results are awful. Why is that?

This TSI indicatior is suspicious in my opinion.

All the indicators I used can be found in the Repository.

System Results

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Strategy Fake Results.xml 18.68 kb, 6 downloads since 2017-02-03 

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Re: Strategy Results Not The Same with MT4

I'm pretty sure this indicator doesn't set the "Use previous bar value" option correctly.

Re: Strategy Results Not The Same with MT4

Yeah I noticed that too.The positions are opened on the begining of the bar when the signal is formed. How can we fix that?

Re: Strategy Results Not The Same with MT4

Heads-up for everyone, Jet has uploaded the fixed indi, re-download both cs and mqh version. … icator-tsi

Rangestoilov, thank you to you as well!

Re: Strategy Results Not The Same with MT4

Wow... that was VERY fast reaction! Thanks for the update!

Re: Strategy Results Not The Same with MT4

Hi yes sorry about that, thanks for finding that and thanks footon for your help fixing it!