Topic: Selected collection changes upon delete of strategy in repository

If you have 2 collections open, and you're in the second one on the screen and delete a strategy the selected strategy jumps to the top collection.  Not a huge deal but if you use the generator you'll do a lot of pruning out strategies and you're going to end up eventually deleting strategies you didn't intend to.

Re: Selected collection changes upon delete of strategy in repository

You are right.
When you delete a strategy from the second collection, the program selects the first collection. Yuo have to click again on the second collection in order to continue working with it.

I'll fix that issue.
Thank you for the report.

Re: Selected collection changes upon delete of strategy in repository

when I open a strategy from the repository, just to make an optimization, it offers a different collezzione from the original.
It would be well maintained (propose) the same source.
Then if the repository to become a drop-down list, which proposes the already existing lists, according mè would be even better.
I also think that the whole repository system and collections can be upgraded to a more widespread use.

Re: Selected collection changes upon delete of strategy in repository

Yes, for sure it is not perfect. Can you show an example of similar system in other software? I cannot remember one.

Re: Selected collection changes upon delete of strategy in repository

Popov, additionly listing only 10 strategies on the collections page is not enough. If i have more than 10 strategies i can not see the rest. Better to add jump next page or chose number of strategies listed options and all found strategies could be viewed on the page.

Re: Selected collection changes upon delete of strategy in repository


Re: Selected collection changes upon delete of strategy in repository

Sorry, i was meaning about EA Studio, not FSB. Actually i wrote not in correct theme by mistake, sorry. Same thing neeeded for EA Studio.

Re: Selected collection changes upon delete of strategy in repository

even when I clone a strategy, change the collection, it does not maintain the collection that had the original strategy

> Yes, for sure it is not perfect.
Popov, we are talking about small navigational elements,

> Can you show an example of similar systems in other software? I can not remember one.
I think about it and then try to draw something, other software can not remember.