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Forex Software → Expert Advisor Studio → Your opinion for using own history data

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Posts: 12

Topic: Your opinion for using own history data

Hello traders,

How do you prefer to use your own history data in EA Studio and also in the other online apps:

1. Upload to EA Studio
  - export data from your MetaTrader with script.
  - upload the data directly in EA Studio.

    + Easy
    - It must be done every time when you load EA Studio

2. Upload to EA Studio. Persist on cloud.
  - Upload data as in the first method.
  - EA Studio will upload and store the data on the server
    + Easy.
    + Access of the uploaded data from anywhere.
    - You need to export and re-upload the data for update.

3. Automatic data update from a MT Expert Advisor.
  - You will run an EA on your MT with your username and password.
  - The EA will collect data from MT and will upload directly to the EA Server.
  - You can run the EA one time for an update or to leave it working with a preset time of data upload.

   + You have access to the uploaded data from anywhere
   + The data can be updated automatically and you will have always updated data.
   - It will require a little bit more efforts to setup.
   - You will need a running MT on your home computer or on a VPS for a periodic data update.

4. Upload FSB Pro data files
  - Adding a Symbols config page as in FSB Pro. The settings will remain stored in the browser storage.
  - A possibility to insert FSB Pro data files.
   + Easy.
   + Working with the FSB .CSV files. No separate export script.
   - The uploaded data will be available only for the current session.

Please share your opinion. You can propose also other ideas.

Because it is an important decision and it will work for years I'll wait for at least 10 opinions before starting the implementation.

Re: Your opinion for using own history data

I would prefer 1. option, it lets to have an approach if needed for manipulation of data.

Re: Your opinion for using own history data

Footon, the data format is not like  in FSB Pro. It will be difficult to manipulate.

These files contain not only the data but also the market settings. The format is designed to take minim space.

I'm attaching one demo file for your reference.

Post's attachments

EURUSD1440.json 63.27 kb, 5 downloads since 2016-07-06 

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Re: Your opinion for using own history data

I see... Considering this I still say option nr 1.

Re: Your opinion for using own history data

I added another option - to uses data files from FSB pro. It can be a simple drag and drop from the FSB Pro data folder over EA Studio. No separate scripts will be necessary.

Re: Your opinion for using own history data

I prever option 2.

You have all possibilities from Option 1 including Date manipullation,
but you have only to upload the data on the first time and when you need to update.

7 (edited by santaferes 2016-07-07 12:41:21)

Re: Your opinion for using own history data

I would prefer 2nd or 3rd. I think 1st is not good as needed every time when loading EA Studio exporting and uploading data from MT4. It is a big discomfort and time consuming. So would prefer to upload all existing current data at once and update it when only needed. I dont think that people updating data every day.

Re: Your opinion for using own history data

Example 1 seems to be simplest.

For myself, I use desktop almost exclusively as it has more features.

I would use EA Studio for speed and then go to desktop for refinement.

Re: Your opinion for using own history data

Hello Traders,

EA Studio can import custom historical data now.

You can find the new functions on the Tools -> Data Import page.

Please use the provided scripts for exporting data from MT4 or MT5.
The scripts save the data files in the MT "Data folder" => MQL4 => Files.

You can either Drag/Drop the files in EA Studio or navigate and select them for upload. You can upload all files at once. The Chrome browser is the fastest and the best for the job.

Currently, EA Studio holds the data locally only during the current session. I'll add after synchronization with the data server for easier access.

Please test this feature carefully because it is very new and bloody yet.

Please post your comments.

Many thanks to all users that already subscribed to EA Studio.

Trade Safe!

Re: Your opinion for using own history data

Hello Traders,

I just updated EA Studio. It sends the uploaded custom data to the server for later use.

This service works for the logged in users only. It is a good practice to upload all time frames from M1 to D1 of a symbol at once.

Please report any issues you may encounter.

Trade Safe!

Re: Your opinion for using own history data

When i upload my all my historical data, made some strategy trials and used them and some time later logged out and logged in again, i see that data lost completely. Need to upload historical data each time log in to EA studio? You wrote above custom data is already loading to server for later use, but my situation is showing that there is something wrong.

Re: Your opinion for using own history data

Hello Santaferes,

The problem is fixed. Reload the application and sign in. It has to show your data.

Thank you for the report!

Posts: 12

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