Topic: Forex Strategy Builder Professional Beta 2

Forex Strategy Builder Professional v Beta 2 is published.

There are several new feature and important bug fixes in this release.

Bug fixes:
- Fixed a major issue with Winner and Loser adding options.
- Fixed bugs in Day Closing 2 and Week Closing 2 indicators.

New features:
- Added Data feed page in History Center. It allows you to download historical forex rates for 10 symbols. There are up to 100 000 bars .
- When crating a new symbol, FSB updates the Account Exchange Rate from internet.

Minor changes:
- Added "Strategy Repo..." button on the Start page;
- Fixed Collections strategy panels painting on mouse over;
- Added a "Data Files Download" message box that leads to the History Center. The message appears only if the user has never visited Data Feed page before.
- Added "Old Data files" warning message. It appears when the data files are not updated at least 30 days and the user do not use Data Horizon time limitations.
- Added more data check rules. when FSB Pro loads data files. The check log is shown on Data Statistics page in History Center.

We do not support License Activation of the previous versions. If you have a valid license and you want to activate it on other machine, update FSB Pro to v Beta 2 or higher first.

Please report bugs and issues.

Re: Forex Strategy Builder Professional Beta 2

Uploaded a bug fix release - Forex Strategy Builder Professional v Beta 2.1

- Fixed a crash when creating a new Index or CFD symbol.

Re: Forex Strategy Builder Professional Beta 2

Uploaded FSB Pro v Beta 2.2

It has a new icon set.
Added Explorer bar for easier strategy opening.
A ton of bugs are fixed.

Download the installation manually if it is not automatically updated. I'll work on improving the updater for the next release.

Re: Forex Strategy Builder Professional Beta 2

Strtategy description keeps disappearing after saving

Re: Forex Strategy Builder Professional Beta 2

dkg11hu wrote:

Strtategy description keeps disappearing after saving

Would you be able to post a little bit more information.

Which version are you using

and a bit about the circumstance of the error.

Thank you