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Forex Software → Forex Strategy Builder Professional → Forex Strategy Builder Pro Alpha 7

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Posts: 5

Topic: Forex Strategy Builder Pro Alpha 7

As I promised earlier today, I'm publishing the next FSB Pro alpha version.

The major changes in this release are:

- Working Generator (though Top 10 Strategies is under development).
- Asynchronous backtest.
- Acceptance Criteria made global.
- Added new stats in Account Statistics info panel. It shows also the  Acceptance Criteria status.
- Introduced colored tans for busy strategies – green when trading and orange when building.

Several bugs were fixed:
- Crash in fast changing indicators in Indicator Properties dialog.
- Fixed Undo issue after Save As.
- Fixed issue with connection closing in Trader.
- Connection close buttons are disabled during trading.
- Fixed warning messages and parms text of Fractal, Ross Hook, Stop Limit, Exit Hour indicators.
- Fixed missing tooltips of parameters in Indicator Properties dialog.

Other notes:

- OOS backtest in Generator is fixed to 30%. It is using when you set  OOS Balance sorting method. When you do so, Balance / Equity chart shows OOS line.
- Generator makes its own copy of the current profile (including Acceptance Criteria) when start generating. If you have changed Acceptance Criteria after starting the Generator and you want to use it, you have to stop and start Generator.
- Generator currently shows only the best strategy according to the selected sorting method. Top Strategies collection will be implemented soon.
- The original Generator - Initial Optimization option is separated to two new options: Optimization and Normalization. They are placed n Generator Settings dialog. When Optimization is on, Generator changes the strategies in order to find a better stats. Normalization tries to simplify the strategy without reducing the stats values.

I hope you'll enjoy this release. Please report bugs and ideas for improvement.

Re: Forex Strategy Builder Pro Alpha 7

Hmm... It seems that the published program is several times slower than my testing copy.
I'll try to solve the mystery and will upload a new release as soon as I fix the problem.

3 (edited by Popov 2013-11-21 05:41:10)

Re: Forex Strategy Builder Pro Alpha 7

Popov wrote:

As I promised earlier today, I'm publishing the next FSB Pro alpha version.

Hi Miroslav,

Thank you for new version. Ihave updated from 6th version to 7th.
My strategies that were traded using Spud Fibo v3 indi stopped working.
There has to be some bug in v7 as when i deleted it it start to work normally.
Perhaps it doe not load custom indies??

Re: Forex Strategy Builder Pro Alpha 7

FSB Pro Alpha 7.1 is released.  It fixes a performance issue of the previous release.


Perhaps it does not load custom indies??

Please check if Custom Indicators are allowed: Control Panel -> Custom Code ->  Load custom indicators at startup option.
If it still does not work, delete the compiled dll indicators from  C:\Program Files\Forex Strategy Builder Pro\User Files\Libraries, and C:\Program Files\Forex Strategy Builder Pro\User Files\System\Libraries.json file.

Re: Forex Strategy Builder Pro Alpha 7

Hi Miroslav,

How is the development going on?



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