Re: FSB v2.57... Beta - hot new features

seby9279 wrote:

I'm once again banned with the mentosan nick but this is not so important. I have one more question. In FST do I have also to look for a special function?

The banning thing seems to be connected to your IP somehow (it's part of a spammer list or something similar).

To answer your question - no. Special functions are limitations to guide the strategy development process, in FST you are only trading.

Re: FSB v2.57... Beta - hot new features

I am getting this bug and I am stuck.

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forexbug.JPG 21 kb, 3 downloads since 2011-03-03 

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Re: FSB v2.57... Beta - hot new features

I am getting this bug and I am stuck.

Please try to reproduce the crash. If you succeed, please report the conditions that leads to it. We'll fix it easily if we know when the bug appears.

Re: FSB v2.57... Beta - hot new features

I got the bug report several times while trying to start FSB. I then installed the program again and now get a message as in the enclosure.

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Re: FSB v2.57... Beta - hot new features

It seams the language files in the System\Languages directory are from other FSB version. You better uninstall FSB, go and check if "Forex Strategy Builder" folder still exists in Program files and delete it (but first backup your strategies). After that repeat the installation.

Re: FSB v2.57... Beta - hot new features

Problem solved! Thanks.

Re: FSB v2.57... Beta - hot new features

Popov wrote:

I mean the localisation of your computer. I'm not sure I made JForex data import culture invariant. The problem comes that the data file uses a dot "." for decimal separator but your comp is probably set to use a comma ",".  If you change the decimal separator of your comp to dot and the import works, we'll know from where the problem comes. If this fix the error, I'll make the change in FSB in order to work correctly.

I had also the problem with importing Dukas files (v2.57.11.0 Beta). You can "choose" the decimal separator of the exported file at the Dukas platform, simply change the language from German (decimal separator ",") to English  (decimal separator ".") and press "Save Data"! Hope this helps someone.
best wishes

58 (edited by jaimegue 2011-03-10 02:24:44)

Re: FSB v2.57... Beta - hot new features

Hello Dear Popov:
I send another error in FSB Beta:
1-Load strategy attachment.
3-Erase Oscillator of RSI #2
4-Erase Oscillator of RSI #1

program crash. I send file of picture.

Thank you very much, Jaime.

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15MIN_33DD.xml 4.91 kb, 6 downloads since 2011-03-10 

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Re: FSB v2.57... Beta - hot new features

Jaime, can you please post the strategy that leads to the bug.

Re: FSB v2.57... Beta - hot new features

Hello Dear Popov:

Sorry, forgot. I send File.

I have another question:

I created a strategy with original data from the beta installation and then update the data import with JForex and all strategies created in diferents timeframe appears margin call with new data . what data is wrong? original installation from the beta or update import from jforex?

Thank you very much, Jaime.

Re: FSB v2.57... Beta - hot new features

No data is wrong. Probably your strategies are overoptimized. You can test the strategies on Ducas data but  limiting it to the time covered by the original data.

Re: FSB v2.57... Beta - hot new features

I had some errors.......... similar to above. I fixed them with reboot..... I am wondering if windows corrupts the files .

Re: FSB v2.57... Beta - hot new features

Jaime, I cannot reproduce the bug with the 15min_33DD strategy. Please try to reproduce it again with the attached strategy. Please reset first the FSB settings.
I'm sure I'll fix it pritty easy once I can see it.
Thank you for you time.

Re: FSB v2.57... Beta - hot new features

Dear Popov:

The problem has not been repeated. I now use the data JForex.

Thank you very much, Jaime.

Re: FSB v2.57... Beta - hot new features

FSB v2.57.20b is available for download from the "Download" page.

The most important changes are:

* Detachable Balance / Equity chart. (By right clicking on it.)
* Added Close price to Balance / Equity chart. (Switch it on from "Testing" menu.)
* Added charts to Over-optimization report in Analyzer. It visually shows if the strategy is over-optimized.
* Added German translation.
* Fixed a bug with minimize / restore.
* Many other fixes.

Re: FSB v2.57... Beta - hot new features

FSB v2.57.20b exe compiled under .NET v4.0 - FSB_v2.57.20b_NET4.exe.7z

[Edit] Link removed.

Re: FSB v2.57... Beta - hot new features

The source code of Forex Strategy Builder is available through

Re: FSB v2.57... Beta - hot new features

Ciao Mr Popov, my name is Luca from Italy. I downloaded Forex Strategy Builder v2.57.20 Beta, after i used v2.56.4 without problems. But after i tried to use a second indicatore i got this error
bye and thank you for your support

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Re: FSB v2.57... Beta - hot new features

Thank you for the report. This is a 100% error that must be fixed.
Please try to reproduce it and describe the exact steps you are doing.
I tried to simulate your strategy but cannot reproduce the error.

Re: FSB v2.57... Beta - hot new features

Ciao mr  Popov, i recorded a video that show you the problem.

this is url address:

i am using:

windows 7 home premium 64BIT SP1
framework 4

bye for now

Re: FSB v2.57... Beta - hot new features

I still cannot reproduce the error. Please post the account and market settings and the Take Profit value.

Re: FSB v2.57... Beta - hot new features

Ciao Mr Popov, i recorded  a second video with more info for you

i think that the problem is in take profit 200...

if you need more info, write me

thank you


Re: FSB v2.57... Beta - hot new features

Thank you Luca,
I found out where the bug is. It appears when there is a Margin Call in the first pixel of the X axis.
Please try the attached exe. Extract it with 7zip and put it in the FSB folder. If it works fine, I'll publish an update tomorrow.

Re: FSB v2.57... Beta - hot new features

Ciao Mr is working....
thank you
see you soon


Re: FSB v2.57... Beta - hot new features

Forex Strategy Builder v2.57.21.0 - Beta

- Fixed Balance / Equity chart crash.
- Fixed issue when changing numeric indicator parameters by using mouse wheel.
- Optimized chart recalculation on Indicator Properties dialog form.

See Download page for download link.
Please report bugs or issues.