Topic: TP less than entry price?

Hi guys, I have noticed bots newly added to my demo account are setting the taking profit less than the entry price, what would cause to happen?

I am suspecting that setting the spread manually? (I was putting in the current spread manually to 10 in the MT4 export script settings, would this be exporting the spread to be 10 pips or 1 pip (broker got 5 numbers after decimal point)?

I am using EA Studio.

Thanks for any help in advance.

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2 (edited by geektrader 2024-06-26 21:57:51)

Re: TP less than entry price?


can you check when exactly this TP was set in your Metatrader Journal? It looks like it is set one bar too late for whatever reason, which is the only way a "negative" TP can be set (it´s impossible to do this on the entry bar).

Re: TP less than entry price?

Found it... there were many order modifications on tp throughout the holding period. I will go and have a look more closely at the options of EA Studio.
It's how many bots were doing it all at the same time that confused me. But, those were all new bots I put on the demo account over the weekend.

Re: TP less than entry price?

The Spread in EA Studio is used only for the backtest. When you trade in MT, the expert uses the real spread.

Please run a backtest of your expert in the MetaTrader tester.

The MT5 tester calculates on real spread only. You will see in the backtest logs if everything is fine.