Topic: I cannot open the data file to view my brokers data

I am logged into EA Studio, but all I can select as a data source is premium data and Meta-Trader demo.  I have imported data from my broker but I cannot open the data file to view my brokers data nor can I select my broker from the Data Source drop down box when trying to set up to create new strategies.  WHAT HAPPENED!!!

Re: I cannot open the data file to view my brokers data

Hello Alann,

Tank you for the report!

I'll fix the issue as soon as possible.

Re: I cannot open the data file to view my brokers data

It must be ok now.

Please report any problems you discover!

4 (edited by Alann 2023-08-16 10:54:47)

Re: I cannot open the data file to view my brokers data

After I logged into EA Studio I still did not see my broker data.  So, I uploaded my broker data then I could see it in the Data Source drop-down box,  Then I logged out.  Then I logged in again and my broker data was no longer found in the Data Source drop-down box.  Also, when I refresh the browser it logs me out.  So, the problem is not fixed.

Re: I cannot open the data file to view my brokers data

I cannot reproduce this issue.

Please refresh EA Studio with Ctrl+F5 to be sure you have the latest version. It must be v23.8.16.

Re: I cannot open the data file to view my brokers data

Yes it works now with v23.8.16.  I had v23.8.15.