1 (edited by hanseman22 2023-07-26 20:39:07)

Topic: Why is the data 2h "old"?

Not sure why, if it has to do with latency or the data being free, but there seem to be a gap of about 2h worth of data when downloading the forex data at https://forexsb.com/historical-forex-data. It's pretty crucial to have up-to-date data, and I have all the understanding in the world that the data provided here is free, so I can't ask for much, but just wanted to post and ask if it's "intentional" or am I missing something here? The data itself it magnificent. I've tried a bunche of the data providers,  but this is the best so far I've found. Strangly enough it's differ from Dukascopy it self, so I really want the 'Load data' - button to provided the latest data, as that would really make a big difference.

Edit, and yes, I have adjusted the time zone in settings.

Re: Why is the data 2h "old"?

We fetch data archives from a DukasCopy server.

They have tick data on an hourly basis. New data starts appearing on their servers every hour. However, the process takes 10-15 minutes.
If we fetch the data before they are completely ready, it appears broken.

Our Premium Data server starts fetching the bar data archives around the 25th minute of every hour. The data processing takes about 15 minutes.

You may expect the new data at around the 40th minute of an hour.

I tried to find a reliable real-time data feed but could not find such a quality service at an acceptable price.

Now, I'm considering providing data feed from the MetaQuotes Demo server via MetaTrader 5.
It will allow collecting real spread and also updated swap rates (The swaps are considerable now).
I can make MetaQuotes Demo data update every 30 minutes.

3 (edited by hanseman22 2023-07-27 16:39:05)

Re: Why is the data 2h "old"?

Thank you Popov for your answer, it makes sense!

I signed up to DukasCopy 14-days demo trail and went trough the data that can be downloaded here and the demo data directly, and found if differs quite much. Any idea why that is? I looked at the same time and date on a M15 chart, and it's off by a pretty big difference actually!

here are two examples:

This data comes from the FSB downloader:
2023-07-13 11:00:00, 1.30707, 1.30707, 1.30547, 1.30606, 945

This data comes from Dukacopys Demo account:
2023-07-13 11:00:00, 1.30264,1.30439,1.30256,1.30427,1322

Same source, but quite different values