Topic: Possible bug: Top strategy is not part of saved collection

Hi Mr Popov
I've noticed this happens quite a bit and it might be a bug.

During a collection generation, the top displayed strategy that is displayed doesn't feature in the collection when the collection is stopped and saved.

In the screen shot below, Strategy #1 is not the same as the Top one displayed while the collection is being generated.  It's also not present when the collection is loaded into EAS.


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Re: Possible bug: Top strategy is not part of saved collection

Thank you for the report!

I'll try to find out what is going on today.

Re: Possible bug: Top strategy is not part of saved collection

The bug is confirmed.
It happens when there are correlated strategies in the Collection, and the one with the higher profit is removed.

I found a way to fix it without slowing down the process.

The bug is fixed in Express Generator v2.18

Thank you for the report!