FSB needs a predetermined entry price in the “Opening Point of the Position” slot. This can be an indicator (MA, BB, Fractal…) or specified time (Bar opening, Entry Hour…). I’ve not included an indicator crossover event to trigger a trade because the entry price is not clearly visible at once. It is somewhere inside the bar.
You can use a crossover as an entry filter (Opening Logic Condition). If you do that, the actual entry will happen at the price determined in the “Opening Point of the Position” slot.
Let’s see:

Here the entry price is at Tenkan Sen. We have a long entry when Tenkan Sen crosses above the Kijun Sen and a short entry when Tenkan Sen crosses below the Kijun Sen.
It is not impossible to make FSB testing a crossover entry. To do so you have to make a custom indicator which interpolates the bars and writes the prices of crossover in two arrays: one for the long entry and another for the short entry.