Topic: Forex Strategy Builder Professional v3.8.9

Hello Traders,

Forex Strategy Builder Professional v3.8.9 is released.

This version fixed a bug in some of the exported Expert Advisors, which made them unable to open trades.
The bug was noticed on some strategies with indicators with periods higher than 100.

Your currently running Expert Advisors are not affected.

You may re-export only those experts that do not open trades in the MetaTrader tester.

The new version includes other minor internal fixes.

FSB Pro will update automatically within 24 hours.

You may also manually download the program's latest version from the website.

Trade Safe!

Re: Forex Strategy Builder Professional v3.8.9

Does the update and fix address similar issue with Pivot Points indicator?

Re: Forex Strategy Builder Professional v3.8.9

I haven't check this issue. Please give me a link to the report.

4 (edited by footon 2021-11-08 12:20:03)

Re: Forex Strategy Builder Professional v3.8.9

Hmm, the link is here but it seems the topic has been deleted? … rader-why/

The problem is required bar calculation is wrong so there are no values on chart.

Edit: and the user is gone? How did that happen?

5 (edited by Popov 2021-11-08 13:04:10)

Re: Forex Strategy Builder Professional v3.8.9

>Hmm, the link is here but it seems the topic has been deleted?

One of our members requested to delete his account with all his posts recently. He did not specify motives, so I just did it.
Hope it was not a mistake.

> The problem is required bar calculation is wrong so there are no values on the chart.

It is possible to address the same bug.

Re: Forex Strategy Builder Professional v3.8.9

OK, I will test it, I think I remember how to reproduce it.

But Biohacker did post a word about his success with FSB, hopefully even bigger improvement is the reason for his withdrawal.

Re: Forex Strategy Builder Professional v3.8.9

>But Biohacker did post a word about his success with FSB, hopefully even bigger improvement is the reason for his withdrawal.

I was surprised too.
Wish him success and he is always welcome back.

Re: Forex Strategy Builder Professional v3.8.9

Miroslav - please provide instructions on updating FSB Pro to the latest release

Re: Forex Strategy Builder Professional v3.8.9

> Miroslav - please provide instructions on updating FSB Pro to the latest release

FSB Pro checks for updates every 24 hours. If there is a newer version, it downloads sit and patches itself automatically.

You can force the installation by deleting this file: "C:\Program Files\Forex Strategy Builder Pro\Versions\FSB_Pro_Updater.xml"

When you run FSB Pro, it will update itself after 20 seconds.

Another option is to download it from the Forex Strategy Builder Professional page and to install it over your previous installation.


Re: Forex Strategy Builder Professional v3.8.9

If I download it from the Forex Strategy Builder Professional page and install it over your previous installation, do I need to re-enter License Code?

Re: Forex Strategy Builder Professional v3.8.9

> and install it over your previous installation, do I need to re-enter the License Code?

No, you don't need to do it.


Re: Forex Strategy Builder Professional v3.8.9

Thank you

Re: Forex Strategy Builder Professional v3.8.9

Popov wrote:

> The problem is required bar calculation is wrong so there are no values on the chart.

It is possible to address the same bug.

Unfortunately not fully fixed, M5 and M1 are still giving zeroes. EA and pic attached.

Post's attachments

bal.png 11.49 kb, file has never been downloaded. 

New Strategy.mq4 251.86 kb, 2 downloads since 2021-11-08 

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Re: Forex Strategy Builder Professional v3.8.9

Thank you for the report!

I'll check it.

Re: Forex Strategy Builder Professional v3.8.9

I uploaded a new version of FSB Pro - v3.8.10

It fixes this issue.

The problem was that the Pivot Point indicator set the required bars as per the current FSB Pro data. It worked in the backtester, but not when exported to MT because obviously there is a different data set.

Now Pivot Point indicator sets a constant number of required bars = (1440 / period) + 1.
It must work on any period now.

Be aware that you will need as many bars in MT for testing.

FSB Pro will update itself automatically within the next 24 hours. You may also download and install it manually.

Post's attachments

Pivot Point on M5 chart.png
Pivot Point on M5 chart.png 5.93 kb, 2 downloads since 2021-11-08 

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