Topic: Generator - Max entry / exit indicators.
Hello, Traders,
We have a softly said unlogical behaviour of the Generator's "Max entry indicators" and "Max exit indicators" options.
The issue appears when we use Preset indicators, and we have more indicator than the selected option.
For example, if we have 2 preset exit indicators set and "Max exit indicators" = 2, the Generator corrects it to 3.
It works like that:
MaxEntryIndicators = Math.min(AvalableEntryIndicators, Math.max(MaxEntryIndicators, PresetEntryIndicators + 1))
MaxExitIndicators = Math.min(AvalableExitIndicators, Math.max(MaxExitIndicators, PresetExitIndicators + 1))
I see two variants of improvements:
1. The Preset indicators have precedence - the Generator will use only and all preset indicators.
2. The Max indicators setting has precedence - the Generator will use the first "n" preset indicators.
The second option is slightly better, in my opinion, because the "Max entry/exit indicators" settings are nearer to us when we run the Generator and should be our active choice.
It will be also easier to test various scenarios with the Generator settings without leaving its page.
What do you think?