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Create and Test Forex Strategies

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Create and Test Forex Strategies

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Posts: 9

Topic: Good Strategies

Hi everyone
This is a fantastic Forum with many good questions and answers.
Is there anyone who would like to share a good strategy that works. I have little trouble getting my strategies to yield the desired result, that is to say, to profit. smile
Thank you in advance

Re: Good Strategies

Within the program are several strategies that you can work with and edit and ultimately use.

Those strategies will allow you to develop what you like as an individual approach and you can branch out from there.

To get one of the advanced strategies that someone is using will not cut down your learning curve, best to start with what is available and go from there.

You are welcome to post your strategies as they develop and ask questions so as to advance.

Try that.


I just opened the 'Start Page' I see that the Ichimoku and Macd strategies still show profits after many years. You night take a long look at these and customize them for your own use.

Re: Good Strategies

I actually took my own advice and started with the Macd. After a short time I have one strategy from the generator that is usable.

I am sure there will be more as time passes.

From the others that have been generated I see some more possibilities.

I have done nothing special, I put the lock on the Macd and the chain on the Reverse and let the generator work its magic

Later in the day I will have a look at the output and see what I can glean from that.

This process can be simple or very complex, there are some people doing great things with the software, they have spent a lot of time developing their approaches.

Later I will see what I can do with the Ichimoku example.

For sure there is money to be made with the examples!

Re: Good Strategies

Hi Blaiserboy
Thanks for the answer I'm going to test MACD right away.

Re: Good Strategies

Be patient, let the generator do its thing

I am still running the generator, maybe I will have some good news as the day passes

Anyways, by using the generator and also the optimizer, you will start to get a  feel for what may make a good strategy.

I see a couple that I can do further work on, I am sure there will be more as the day passes

Re: Good Strategies

some success with the Macd Demo strategy

This took some playing around and some optimizing but the results are pretty good.

We do not have to have fancy complex strategies to make a couple dollars.

All of the tools used in there are in the software, I have no downloaded indicators in this instance of FSBPro.

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Re: Good Strategies

Blaiserboy wrote:

some success with the Macd Demo strategy

This took some playing around and some optimizing but the results are pretty good.

We do not have to have fancy complex strategies to make a couple dollars.

All of the tools used in there are in the software, I have no downloaded indicators in this instance of FSBPro.

Hi, what do you mean with Macd Demo strategy? Is this one ?

Re: Good Strategies

yes. sorry, I named it  improperly

Re: Good Strategies

Good work with MACD. I will try to get similar results. Here I am inspired by you Blaiserboy.

Posts: 9

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