1 (edited by Tukirito 2019-12-25 14:57:26)

Topic: Any way to Increase the Maximum Lots value on the Strategy Properties?

Hi there, I recently switched to a new broker and there I have a huge leverage and also the amount of lots I can buy at once is higher than before, when creating some new strategies I noticed that the highest I can set the "Maximum Lots" value on the Strategy Properties is to 100, I need to set it to 1000, is there any way to increase this value up to 1000?

Re: Any way to Increase the Maximum Lots value on the Strategy Properties?

Usually, when a user enters 1000 he means 1000 EURUSD instead of 1000 lots. We try to prevent that.

However, it is not a problem for you because the entry amount doesn't have an effect on the strategy logic.

Re: Any way to Increase the Maximum Lots value on the Strategy Properties?

Popov wrote:

Usually, when a user enters 1000 he means 1000 EURUSD instead of 1000 lots. We try to prevent that.

However, it is not a problem for you because the entry amount doesn't have an effect on the strategy logic.

It does affects the strategies im getting from FSB, many of the strategies cant just use more than certain amount of money because the maximum lot property is limiting the strategy, to give you more information, with my broker if I have for example an order for $50,000 I will be buying 500 lots there, because FSB is limiting me to only use 100 lots I wont be able to use more than $10,000 dollars per order, I need to be able to use more than 100 lots or none of my strategies will use more than $10,000 which is not even 10% of the money I have and my broker allows me to use up to 1000 lots per order. I know it might not be common to have people placing orders that big but FSB shouldnt limit me if I want to use orders that big. Is there any way I can change that so I can use up to 1000 lots? and in case you wonder in order to buy 1000 lots with my broker I only need to have $100,000 in a order so, its not that crazy as some people might think.

Re: Any way to Increase the Maximum Lots value on the Strategy Properties?

Add two zeroes to the "Lot size" in control Panel -> Symbols. Then when you set 10 lots in the Editor, it will correspond to 1000 lots in the account currency.

You can confirm the correct amount on the Journal page.

Re: Any way to Increase the Maximum Lots value on the Strategy Properties?

Popov wrote:

Add two zeroes to the "Lot size" in control Panel -> Symbols. Then when you set 10 lots in the Editor, it will correspond to 1000 lots in the account currency.

You can confirm the correct amount on the Journal page.

I will try that but I think it would be nice to be able to do it normally, having forced limits is not a good thing, if you want to protect people from common mistakes you could add it to a "Advanced Option" section on the settings or something on the control panel or the strategy settings. That way those of us who know what we're doing can use the advanced options and you can protect common users so they do not set those value too high by mistake.

Re: Any way to Increase the Maximum Lots value on the Strategy Properties?

Replaying to my previous message, I tried changing the "Control Panel > Symbols" Lot size value and add two zeros to it but there is another problem, you can't set the Lot Size to a value higher than 100,000 so cant add the extra two zeros there.

Re: Any way to Increase the Maximum Lots value on the Strategy Properties?

I really cannot understand the problem. If you have 100 000 lot size and 100 lots limitation, it means you can trade 10 000 000 EURUSD. If your leverage is 1 /100, you need 100 000 USD account to protect a single position. Is this the problem?

having forced limits is not a good thing

You have forced limitation of absolutely everything. It is how our universe works. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Physical_constant

I always try to make the software easier and more user-friendly. It requires to have meaningful ranges and default values.

Re: Any way to Increase the Maximum Lots value on the Strategy Properties?

Popov wrote:

I really cannot understand the problem. If you have 100 000 lot size and 100 lots limitation, it means you can trade 10 000 000 EURUSD. If your leverage is 1 /100, you need 100 000 USD account to protect a single position. Is this the problem?

having forced limits is not a good thing

You have forced limitation of absolutely everything. It is how our universe works. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Physical_constant

I always try to make the software easier and more user-friendly. It requires to have meaningful ranges and default values.

My leverage is 1:1000 and I can even apply for a leverage of 1:5000 if I create a specific account for that with my broker, as I said before, with the current limitation of FSB I can not create strategies that trade with more than 10% of the money in my account.

Re: Any way to Increase the Maximum Lots value on the Strategy Properties?

I can recommend you to act first, before you throw your money out the window .... believe me ... learn to use the software first .... you will get many ideas ...

Re: Any way to Increase the Maximum Lots value on the Strategy Properties?

Obviously the limitation serves a good job!

Re: Any way to Increase the Maximum Lots value on the Strategy Properties?

Every time I create a post here on the forum with any kind of suggestion or request instead of getting a useful response from the developer or the community the only answers I get are from people who think they are better than everyone else or some answer from the developer who seems to just don't give a crap about what specific needs someone on the community has. I've been using this software for years and I'm already tired of all the troubles, hitting a brick wall after solving one problem just to then find another thing that should work one way and doesnt work is not fun, even less when you are working with lot of money, it seems like not even the developer knows how his software works as his suggestion for what to do to solve my problem do not work and he had no idea about it before answering to my question. With the amount of money Ive spent on buying different versions of this software for multiple clients I have and the amount of time Ive been using it i think I will just better hire a small team of developers to build something I can use better than FSB, I'm not going to say the software is bad but it limits you too much, its good to start creating simple strategies but it doesnt work for complex strategies with multiple conditions or blocks of indicators, it doesnt even use machine learning properly and even its parameter optimization is primitive and limited to simple conditions and doesnt allow multiple parameters to be optimized, also the software UI has limit on everything and is not customizable at all, many things need to be customizable or we should be able to remove the limits it has somehow.

Re: Any way to Increase the Maximum Lots value on the Strategy Properties?

if I have for example an order for $50,000 I will be buying 500 lots there, because FSB is limiting me to only use 100 lots I wont be able to use more than $10,000 dollars per order,

When you use lot size of 100 000. You can trade 50 000 USD with 0.5 lots.

I really don't see how it is limited to $10,000 dollars per order.

Re: Any way to Increase the Maximum Lots value on the Strategy Properties?

So at a max rate you want to trade 1000 lots at 1:1000 leverage? The trade size is 100000000000 if I'm not mistaken...