Topic: Which programm fsb or eastudio is the future?


i want to know if you are focussed more on EA Studio or on FSB? Also i like to know if the mql code of FSB will be one time as easy to understand as the ea studio mql code?

Re: Which programm fsb or eastudio is the future?

Hello Roughey,

FSB Pro MQL code is as optimal as possible in order to be able the trade the complex setups of the FSB Pro strategies.

We started EA Studio with the purpose to create more simple and faster strategies. It uses mostly standard MT indicators, which gives us possibilities to export more simple MQL code. We will add more functions to EA Studio within the next year.

If you are forced to choose one of the software, probably EA Studio is the better option. On the other hand, FSB Pro provides more capabilities for creating strategies manually.

Anyway, the option most of the traders prefer is both FSB Pro and EA Studio. I may safely say that 85% of the traders buy the Optimal Pack.

Please see more detailed comparison here: Forex Strategy Builder Professional and Expert Advisor Studio

Of course, my opinion is strongly subjective.
Other experience traders may share their opinion also.