Re: EA Studio - News and updates

Hello Traders,

A new version of EA Studio is uploaded.

It comes with a rebuild user interface engine. I spend a lot of time designing it. Now EA Studio runs 100% native and own code. No third party dependencies.

This version comes without bootstrap.js and jQuery.js. The source code is 30% shorter, which means it loads faster and is more concise.

I worked mainly to validate the accessibility of the user interface elements in the Light and the Dark themes.

EA Studio covers all best practices:


127 (edited by yonkuro 2021-09-15 00:00:22)

Re: EA Studio - News and updates

Great update! Seems very strong foundation for further development, thanks Popov.

I wish for your happiness and health

Re: EA Studio - News and updates

Thanks for the great update! Having it all on your own code is surely the way to go for the future and for performance.


Re: EA Studio - News and updates

Now the official link of the EA Studio application is https://eas.forexsb.com.

All website links and buttons are redirected to the new address. The app opens directly without integration in an iFrame and skips the corresponding iFrame resizing code.

EA Studio fills more natural now.

It loads completely for less than half a second including collections and strategies.


Trade safe!


Re: EA Studio - News and updates

A minor update.

The Generator shows a "Play" icon and the market on the browser's tab when running.


Re: EA Studio - News and updates

Nice updates! Already noticed the Play icon, super cool ;-) Thank you!


Re: EA Studio - News and updates

A new version of EA Studio is uploaded.

It comes with a "Statistics" tab in Optimizer and Normalizer.

Now we see what we gain and what we lose on optimization.

Here we improve all the stats metrics:


Here some of the metrics are worse than before:


Re: EA Studio - News and updates

GREAT! I have been looking for an overview like this for a long time - perfect that we have that in EA Studio now :-) Thanks for the SUPER amazing work you are doing every day!!

Re: EA Studio - News and updates

Dear Mr. Popov,

I´ve seen there have been a few updates to EA Studio since March 2022, but there are no more publications here what the changes are. Would you mind to let us know about the recent changes to EA Studio (like for example the version from 10. May 2022)?

Thank you.


Re: EA Studio - News and updates

Uploaded Expert Advisor Studio v22.8.6

It comes with many minor fixes aiming to improve the backtesting precision. It is possible to notice slight performance deviation of your current strategies mostly because the way EA Studio calculates the last deal of the backtest. A bug was found in the “Indicator fails” logic of indicators as ADX and ATR.

Please report any issues you may encounter.

List of changes:

- Fixed “indicator falls” signal logic for non-directional oscillators: `currentValue < previousValue – sigma`. It was `currentValue < previousValue + sigma` before.
- Fixed triggering of trailing stop for short positions when it trails to a gap between previous close and current Open.
- Fixed generated decimal digits of the RVI’s Level to 2.
- Fixed generated Level of “Standard Deviation” to be between 0.01 and 0.09,
- Fixed the first meaningful bar of Williams’ Percent Range to be: period + 2
- Swap long, swap short and commission can be set to 4 decimal digits in the “Symbol Settings” page.
- Fixed Trailing stop for short position to relate to previous bar’s Low + spread.
- The Trailing Stop now trail when the price movement is greater or equal of one pip. It was when price movement is greater than one pip.
- Fixed MQL code Trailing Stop to correspond to the EA Studio code.
- Fixed close on Take Profit in a gap to be at current Open.
- Equity is calculated now at every bar Close. It makes the Drawdown calculation more precise.
- Now the backtesting statistics starts from the actual trading start. It was from the indicators’ first bar before without talking into account the option “Start trading from bar 100”. It effects the precision of calculating Profit per day (in 4th digit).
- Improved the statistics calculation when the “Close position at the end of the test” is on. Now EA Studio closes the last position properly at the last bar’s Close.
- Minor optimization of calculating the account exchange rate.
- EA Studio source code cleanup and refactoring.

Re: EA Studio - News and updates

Thank you very much Popov, really appreciate for the detailed updates


Re: EA Studio - News and updates

Uploaded Expert Advisor Studio v22.8.7

It comes with new Data Export scripts for MT4 and MT5.


The new scripts replace the non-alphanumeric characters in the symbol names.
The scripts set the symbol's "base currency" and "profit currency" correctly.

The idea behind this update is that we can use the same scripts and exported data files for EA Studio and FSB Pro.


Re: EA Studio - News and updates

Uploaded Expert Advisor Studio v22.8.8

Data Export scripts are updated to v4.3.
Now the scripts export commission, swap long, swap short, and point value to the 5th digit.
The commission text is changed to "Commission per lot, open + close" to be clear that we have to add the roundtrip commission.


There are minor updates in the Backtester. It uses the SL or TP prices when calculating commission instead of Bar Open whenever necessary.

The "Symbol settings" page accepts commission, swap long, swap short, and point value to the 5th digit


Re: EA Studio - News and updates

A new release of EA Studio is uploaded.

(The version number is still 22.8.8 simply because it shows the year, the month and the day of the compilation)

- removed the "Start testing from bar 100" option from the Settings page.

This option is no longer needed because MT changes how the "From date" option in the tester works.
When we set a "From" date in MT, it loads about a month of preliminary data and starts the actual trading from the given date.

Now we have to see what is the first deal in the EA Studio journal and use this date in the MT's "From" field.



Re: EA Studio - News and updates

Uploaded Expert Advisor Studio v22.8.11

It fixes a misbehavior of the "Remove all" function in the Collection and the Portfolio Content pages.

Now when we "Use performance filters" and click on the "Remove all" button, it removes all strategies from the collection.

Later, if we click on "Undo Remove all", EA Studio will recover all strategies and we will have 26 of 50 shown as before the remove.



Re: EA Studio - News and updates

New midnight update.

Now EA Studio considers the spread when closing short positions and needs the deal price for converting the profit to the account currency. This update affects cases when the base currency is equal to the account currency, or the base currency is converted by using a fixed exchange rate.

The account exchange rate also uses the slippage in the case of Monte Carlo. One step toward nirvana smile

Re: EA Studio - News and updates

Amazing midnight update, that´s a feature I´ve long been hoping for. Thanks!

Another great feature I am very happy about is this one: "Equity is calculated now at every bar Close. It makes the Drawdown calculation more precise." <- PERFECT, that´s how it should be and that finally avoids giving strategies with a huge SL an advantage (which in reality create huge intra-trade drawdowns) because the drawdown is now calculated during every bar.

Keep these great updates coming :-)


Re: EA Studio - News and updates

Uploaded: Expert Advisor Studio v22.8.13

Fixed a bug with the Moving Average indicator with logical rules "MA changes its direction upward" and "MA changes its direction downwards", which might cause a faulty position close at the first or second bar of the data series.

Re: EA Studio - News and updates

Thanks for the update and for keeping the changelog updated as well - really appreciate it!


Re: EA Studio - News and updates

Uploaded: Expert Advisor Studio v22.8.28

- fixed the generated Level values of the Momentum indicator. Now the Momentum's Level adopts better for the corresponding marker.
- EA Studio access new eight symbols added to the PRemium Data feed: CADCHF, EURNZD, GBPCAD, GBPCHF, GBPNZD, NZDCAD, NZDCHF, NZDJPY

146 (edited by sleytus 2022-08-28 20:30:03)

Re: EA Studio - News and updates

Popov -- thanks for the update.  It's nice to have all 28 pairs available (majors, minors, crosses).  There was a time I traded all 28 pairs -- but no more.  It seems that certain pairs lend themselves better to algorithmic trading than others (e.g. fewer or less extreme "head-fakes")... 

Popov wrote:

Uploaded: Expert Advisor Studio v22.8.28
- EA Studio access new eight symbols added to the PRemium Data feed: CADCHF, EURNZD, GBPCAD, GBPCHF, GBPNZD, NZDCAD, NZDCHF, NZDJPY


Re: EA Studio - News and updates

Uploaded: Expert Advisor Studio v22.8.31

EA Studio checks the count of the Exchange Rates when it fetches them from the Premium Data server.

If the rates are OK, it saves the data to the browser's local storage.

EA Studio loads the local storage exchange rates on the next reload. It also fetches new rates from the Premium Data server.

Re: EA Studio - News and updates

Hi Mr. Popov,

can you possibly list the changes for the 2022-10-10 update?

Thanks so much!


Re: EA Studio - News and updates

Uploaded: Expert Advisor Studio v22.10.10

Fix a bug causing crash when using low number of bars and OOS in Optimizer.
The issues was reported by Sleytus here: https://forexsb.com/forum/post/71465

150 (edited by Naya 2022-10-17 09:04:14)

Re: EA Studio - News and updates

Hi Popov,
i have experienced this very crash when using few bars with fsb pro...
When I use below 3000bars I can't use more than 5 threads. If I set the generator to 64threads the software freezes immediately and can't even stop it except through the taskmanager.( I use a dual Xeon processor motherboard, 20cores, 40 threads 2.9GHz)
Can this fixed?