Topic: Any MT4 journal analyzer that can do this? Or programmable?
I want a program that produces an aggregated error journal over many trading accounts from their journals.
Name of the program: MT4 error finder
What to track:
Add button - add accounts to be tracked (unlimited number of accounts that can be added)
Track account 1 - Password 1
Track account 2 - Password 2
Track account x - Password x
What to find:
Find all error messages (red marked signs/ red stop signs) - True/False
Only find first error message per order number - True/False (avoids duplicates of order numbers, provides only first issue)
Find all warning messages (yellow exclamation mark) - True/False
Sort by date (ascending from past to future) - True/False
Sort by broker (Ascending from A to Z) - True/False
Sort by account number (Ascending from 1 to 9) - True/False
Sort by type of error message (Ascending from A to Z) - True/False
From date: example 01.01.2018
To date: example 16.01.2018
Run button - scans time frame for errors and produces a table.
Export button - turns the table into a file that contains a list (one item per line) with all found problems (file formats to choose: txt, csv, xls)
Do you know what I mean?
Any suggestions for improvement?
What solution can you provide? What type of program would provide the best solution?