Topic: Problem Importing Data

Hi, I'm new and I'm running a trail version of FSB pro. I have downloaded ticks from dukascopy from 2003-2017 and also truefx from 2009 to 2017 before I got to know about FSB pro. I also intend to try to generate an EA for XAUUSD.

For some reason I'm unable to import these data into FSB pro. The symbols are there but it says unable to load data. I import it via add data sources and then point it to my data folder.

For some reason also I am unable to backtest beyond 2015 with M15 timeframe. FSB pro will not allow me to set max data bars above 50000. Is that the maximum?

Thank you very much for your help

Re: Problem Importing Data


Can you tell us why do you need tick data?

I'm asking you because you probably don't know that FSB Pro is designed accomplish 100% reliable backtest using only bar data.

If you see backtest quality lower than 99.99, you have to probably let FSB to generate another strategy for you.


You can remove the 50 000 bars limit, but probably you don't need to do it.

Re: Problem Importing Data

I would be reluctant to use tick data..... from my perspective it would be unnecessary.

Because MT4 strategy tester is sorta crappy a person has to do these things, FSBPro is very specific and accurate....

My experience says that I just use FSBPro 'out of the box'..... and keep it really simple so that the generator will work quickly.

At one time I wanted to try a few things and 'jazz up' the operation.... but then decided that the original was not needing modification.

MT4 does need a lot of work because it is so poorly put together. and even with all the special tricks, the results are sub par. I think that is why people want to alter FSBPro...... but that is unneeded.


Re: Problem Importing Data

Dear Popov,

Thank you for the fast reply

I don't need data up to ticks but I am just keen to see how the strategy generated by fsb pro perform over different periods e.g. 2008 vs 2015. Its more for robustness testing and sample availability for strategy generation.

Re: Problem Importing Data

Blaiserboy wrote:

I would be reluctant to use tick data..... from my perspective it would be unnecessary.

Because MT4 strategy tester is sorta crappy a person has to do these things, FSBPro is very specific and accurate....

My experience says that I just use FSBPro 'out of the box'..... and keep it really simple so that the generator will work quickly.

At one time I wanted to try a few things and 'jazz up' the operation.... but then decided that the original was not needing modification.

MT4 does need a lot of work because it is so poorly put together. and even with all the special tricks, the results are sub par. I think that is why people want to alter FSBPro...... but that is unneeded.


tq for the advise. will do so.

Is there any difference if I generate strategies from my broker (peppersone)'s data from MT4 or the fsb demo data?

Re: Problem Importing Data

I use the supplied data until I have what I feel to be a worthwhile approach and then do a lot of testing on broker data.

Final testing should be on the data that you are going to be using for trading.

7 (edited by joylay83 2017-05-01 14:11:14)

Re: Problem Importing Data

Thank you very much. I need to find out if my broker's data is consistent with the data from metaquotes. Pepperstone pointed me to truefx when I searched for their data.

I need to import XAUUSD to fsb pro

8 (edited by joylay83 2017-05-01 18:48:29)

Re: Problem Importing Data

so I have am happily using fsb demo data now and successfully imported XAUUSD data from MT4 to fsb. I primarily trade XAUUSD. However as you can see in the pic, It will not allow me to set the point value to 2 digits. XAUUSD 1 pip = 1 point = 0.01.

any ideas? thank you.

Re: Problem Importing Data

It doesn't work because you have created it as a Forex symbol. Actually it is a CFD. To fix the problem just delete the symbol and create it again as CFD.

Re: Problem Importing Data

Popov wrote:

It doesn't work because you have created it as a Forex symbol. Actually it is a CFD. To fix the problem just delete the symbol and create it again as CFD.

Fantastic big_smile thanks

11 (edited by joylay83 2017-05-06 09:08:47)

Re: Problem Importing Data

I am making good progress but haven't manage to generate a profitable strategy or portfolio (yet). I'm working on it. How do I eliminate/delete duplicate strategies in the repository? e.g. if I open a generated strategy twice and save it as 2 different files?

also, how do I export a portfolio as a single EA? i.e. merge multiple EA? thank you in advance

Re: Problem Importing Data

its impossible to import data . i am trying for 2 days now

Re: Problem Importing Data

Check if the file really exists at that location:

The program states that there is no such file there. Fortunately it is easy to check.

Re: Problem Importing Data

Mr.  Popov, thank you very much for your answer.
Unfortunately, this is not working.
Keep reading please.

I imported data from MT5 (broker: XM), to a source folder with name XM. In FSB ‘s Data folder.
I renamed all CSV files, into a proper name.
For example, MT5 exports all csv files with deferent names than the names FSB is looking for.
MT5 ‘s name for EURUSD one hour chart is : EURUSDH1. So I renamed it into EURUSD60 , because FSB is looking for EURUSD60.

Please take a look at pictures.
I made the whole procedure .many times . No luck.

15 (edited by lefteris.marrek 2017-06-04 09:53:52)

Re: Problem Importing Data

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1)here i import.JPG 51.38 kb, file has never been downloaded. 

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Re: Problem Importing Data

Re: Problem Importing Data

You have H1 downloaded, I gather. Do you have D1 also?

18 (edited by lefteris.marrek 2017-06-04 09:58:56)

Re: Problem Importing Data

yes i have every time frame , from M1 to D1 . i just deleted the others in order to make it simple .

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4)After Rename.JPG 154.3 kb, file has never been downloaded. 

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Re: Problem Importing Data

Can you upload the data file for H1?

20 (edited by lefteris.marrek 2017-06-04 12:09:04)

Re: Problem Importing Data

its csv , it cant upload . it says error.

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data xml.JPG
data xml.JPG 182.96 kb, 1 downloads since 2017-06-04 

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Re: Problem Importing Data

It has one column more.

Try to replace ,0 with an empty string

22 (edited by lefteris.marrek 2017-06-04 14:16:14)

Re: Problem Importing Data

i am not sure if i understand what i must do.

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excell.JPG 116.96 kb, file has never been downloaded. 

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23 (edited by lefteris.marrek 2017-06-04 14:18:27)

Re: Problem Importing Data

it has 20.000 lines .

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data.JPG 170.79 kb, file has never been downloaded. 

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24 (edited by lefteris.marrek 2017-06-04 14:19:42)

Re: Problem Importing Data

its not work with MT5.

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data 2.JPG 139.89 kb, file has never been downloaded. 

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25 (edited by lefteris.marrek 2017-06-04 14:21:40)

Re: Problem Importing Data

also i set the maximum bras to 50.000

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the maximum bars its ok.JPG 54.03 kb, file has never been downloaded. 

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