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Forex Software → Expert Advisor Studio → Slight collection issue

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Posts: 12

Topic: Slight collection issue

I have 17 strats in the collection, but the number shows 23. Furthermore, 17 strats are on 2 pages, but it shows 3. When I click on the third page, I get this message - The collection is empty. Please use the Generator to create strategies.

Screenshot as well:

Re: Slight collection issue

Refreshes, reloads don't change the behaviour.

Re: Slight collection issue

one idea is that sometimes those that match the criteria when making the strategies do not always match the criteria to show in the collection if any of the sort criteria are turned on.

Re: Slight collection issue

I know that problem. I'll fix it tomorrow.

5 (edited by footon 2017-02-14 14:53:34)

Re: Slight collection issue

Collection is still acting up, uploading a collection and after recalculation the number of strats is different to what is shown.

Another issue - I click on a strat in the collection, but it doesn't open it in the editor, other strat is opened in the editor.

Yep, I open 425, 413 gets open instead, other strats work, but 413 has somehow replaced 425...

Another one, trying to open 424, 414 gets opened. 424 is lost.

Re: Slight collection issue

Collection is still acting up, uploading a collection and after recalculation the number of strats is different to what is shown.

You can have only strategies n profit in the collection. If a strategy goes on loss after recalculation, it is not included in the new collection.

Another issue - I click on a strat in the collection, but it doesn't open it in the editor, other strat is opened in the editor.

There was such bug in the earlier versions with the Automatic Workflow. I think it was fixed. It is possible your collection to be exported from the older wrong code. A recalculation must fix the problem. If it still appears, please send me the collection and I'll check it.

Re: Slight collection issue

Popov wrote:

You can have only strategies n profit in the collection. If a strategy goes on loss after recalculation, it is not included in the new collection.

No, what I meant was that if after recalculation it ends up with 3 strats, I expect Collection to show number 3 behind its name, not 5 or 10 or 25. In my case it showed a bigger number than there actually was. Maybe it's designed to do so? Cosmetic bug at most, but I thought to mention it.

About that other issue - I'll work through my current collection and look up the troublemaker.

Thanks, Miroslav!

Re: Slight collection issue

Are there any filters on? I must make it more visible if a filter actually filters out strategies.

Re: Slight collection issue

No, no filters.

Re: Slight collection issue

Ok, it happened again, selecting 452 but getting 435 instead. Hit the recalculation and it started working again. Maybe intensive use causes this? Optimizing strats one by one and then adding them to collection...
Recalculation fixes, if someone else gets this issue.

Re: Slight collection issue

Footon, I confirm the bug. I'll try to fix it as soon as possible.

Re: Slight collection issue

Another thing - when I open studio for the first time and hit the collection, no strats are shown, although there's a number after Collection. I can bring strats back by hitting the recalc button.

A little illustration.

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Forex Software → Expert Advisor Studio → Slight collection issue

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