Topic: Running EA Studio On Several Browser Windows Simultaneously

If I run EA Studios on several browser windows simultaneously, will the generated strategy be compiled into a single collection? or will every windows has their own strategy collection?


Re: Running EA Studio On Several Browser Windows Simultaneously

Every window holds and updates own strategy collection.

However, when you close the windows, the app saves the current settings, the editor strategy and the top 10 collected strategy. Because you use different windows of the same browser, every window will override store data from the previously   closed widows. Finally only the settings and strategies from the last closed window will remain for the next session.

If you want, you can "Download" the complete collections before closing the windows.


Probably will be more convenient to work on multiple windows directly with the app at

Re: Running EA Studio On Several Browser Windows Simultaneously

If FSB Pro Generator Speed is affected by processor speed, what does affect EA Studio Generator Speed?

Is there any way to maximize it's speed? I mean in hardware way.

Re: Running EA Studio On Several Browser Windows Simultaneously

It works best on Google Chrome browser without extensions.
The app is able to utilize one processor core. It work faster on CPU with higher processor frequency (MHz).