Topic: D1 and W1 data not loading


I'm experiencing a problem to load D1 and W1 data. There is no error. It's just not loading, like you can see on the image. I've tried with downloaded tick data and also tried to copy the MT4 data from my broker like seen in the video tutorial. Then I tried to delete all the data and tried again with newly downloaded data but the problem remains. I do not think that there's already a post mentioning this kind of problem.

The thing here is difficult because, there's no error so I can't show much.

What I know is that the problem only affects D1 and W1, all other data is loading correctly. I've made some nice M1 EA's and the first results are just great, but I can't use D1 and W1 data. Although I'd like to find a solution, and ask the more experienced people here for help.

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D1 and W1 not loading.jpg 219.16 kb, 1 downloads since 2016-09-30 

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Re: D1 and W1 data not loading

Try to restart FSB Pro.

If it still not loading the data, please attach one of the files for an examination.

Re: D1 and W1 data not loading

After restarting FSB Pro, it's still not working.
I've attached the file for daily.

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EURUSD1440.csv 162.24 kb, 3 downloads since 2016-10-01 

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Re: D1 and W1 data not loading

Your file works flawlessly.

Do you see any error messages in the Output log?

Re: D1 and W1 data not loading

Ok, that's strange. No, It's also 'loading data....' and there is no data in the bar explorer.

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not loading data.png 69.99 kb, 1 downloads since 2016-10-01 

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Re: D1 and W1 data not loading

Open the Data folder of your Data Source and check if there is such file there.

7 (edited by ManuB76 2016-10-01 21:33:50)

Re: D1 and W1 data not loading

Yes, the file's are there.

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data folder D1 W1 not loading problem.png 138.25 kb, 2 downloads since 2016-10-01 

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Re: D1 and W1 data not loading

Can you post a screenshots of the Symbol settings for EURUSD and for the Data Source page?

Re: D1 and W1 data not loading

These are the settings

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symbols settings FSB Pro.png 55.11 kb, 1 downloads since 2016-10-02 

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Re: D1 and W1 data not loading

Is the "Peperrstone real" folder linked to the "Peperrstone razor" data source?

Re: D1 and W1 data not loading

Yes, it is linked

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Pepperstone real linked.png 54.68 kb, 1 downloads since 2016-10-02 

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Re: D1 and W1 data not loading

The only thing I changed was the data horizon that I have brought to 200000.

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Data horizon settings.png 40.5 kb, 1 downloads since 2016-10-02 

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Re: D1 and W1 data not loading

There is something wrong with the settings, but I cannot figure out remotely.
Please delete the data source and create it again.
Or, if you want put the new file in the "FSB Demo Data" folder for a test.

Re: D1 and W1 data not loading

Ok, I have deleted the data in the pepperstone real folder and replaced with new data file's from the broker.

I replaced the data from the FSB Demo Data folder to test and saved the original demo data for later if needed.

The results are like this:

When using the data from the pepperstone real folder: D1 and W1 are still not loading. All the other charts are loading.

When using the same data but from the FSB Demo Data folder: W1 and M1 are not loading. All the other charts are loading.

Re: D1 and W1 data not loading

Ok, here's my update after searching during the week and this is what I found.

1) I've set FSB Pro to load 50000 bars (default)
2) I've deleted all the data files in FSB Pro and downloaded manually new data from my broker.
3) I edited the new data from the broker and deleted all the data from 1971 to end of 1999 for all the files.

After doing this I made FSB Pro load 1M, 5M, 15M, 30M, 1H, 4H, and the daily. The weekly chart is still not loading, but I do not care much about the weekly because I do not use it.

Re: D1 and W1 data not loading

Unfortunately it's still struggling. Today, I experienced again problems to load the daily chart. FSB Pro changed it's mind.

Fortunately, I could generate a fractal strategy on EURUSD with the daily chart yesterday and the backtest was very good in the carlo tool.

The daily chart is loading with the demo data folder source. The original demo data was replaced yesterday with the data from the broker so I supposed to see almost a similar result, which was very good. In fact, I'm surprised to see that the results are not good.

In this case, I don't see much what to do next except. Doing it all over again and hope to see something new. I've deleted again all the charts data from all the folders and downloaded again the MT4 broker data manually once again. I edited all the csv data files and deleted all the data from before 2000 as I did yesterday and I copied this data also to the demo folder.

After doing this, the problem remains. FSB Pro is still not loading daily and weekly when using the broker data folder, but the data from the demo folder is loading with the same data from M1 to daily. Only the weekly is not loading.

There is also something new I did not noticed before, but maybe nonsignificant. The input parameters (data bars, time of updating and time of beginning are yellow). When I switch to another timeframe and then back the yellow signal disappear.

Does the minimum bars setting can have an influence on loading data or even with the backtesting results? The brokers data source is set to 3000, while on the demo data source it's set on 300. This setting cannot be changed in the control panel.

I've tried to change the value in the DataSource_Pepperstone razor.json from 3000 to 300, but it seems that this setting cannot be overwritten.

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again not loading.png 96.08 kb, file has never been downloaded. 

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Re: D1 and W1 data not loading

Have you tried the simplest thing - uninstalling and then making a fresh FSB installation?

Re: D1 and W1 data not loading

No, I did not uninstall because of the license. It may not be accepted twice, but I agree that it's probably the best thing to do.

I'll try it one last time. When the market opens I'll save the data from the broker again and see if there's a difference because the actual data is from during the weekend when the market was closed. I don't know if this can make a difference in the data? If all charts are still not loading on the same source folder, I'll have no other choice than reinstall FSB Pro and hoping it will accept my license again :-/

Re: D1 and W1 data not loading

Just a quick update to finalize:

Reinstalling FSB Pro fixed the problem. All charts are now loading except the weekly charts but FSB Pro is not the problem.

The weekly charts are still not loading because of the limited number of bars in my data files. FSB Pro needs 3000 bars minimum and I can't copy that much on pepperstone.