Topic: Silver Chart


If I invite a Indicator is a red cross at Silver Broker Akive Trader

Have quite a bit Tried and does not go if I account Updated the error message see Appendix.

Lg Pit

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Re: Silver Chart

Can you post a screenshot of the symbol setting for the SILVER?

What is your Account Currency?

3 (edited by Pit 2016-05-19 02:56:40)

Re: Silver Chart


Account is Eur Usd

What I do not understand with Peppersone there are no problems

The same settings as with Active trades.

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Re: Silver Chart

The problem is that you added that symbol as forex . The program thinks that you trade SIL vs VER.
When it calculates it, the program receives the profit /loss in VER and obviously, there is no such currency.

The solution is very simple. You have to register the SILVER as CFD. Then you can set the base currency like USD (or EUR)

You cannot change the type of the symbol. You have to delete it and create it again.

5 (edited by Pit 2016-05-20 02:34:06)

Re: Silver Chart

thank you
Works for other settings as an investment


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