Topic: FSB Demo Data versus JForex or or any other Metatrader data

This is a question I receive in my email.


I've been using JForex data for quite some time. Downloading the FSB Demo Data was so much more convenient than downloading and importing JForex data.

My question is, what are the differences of using FSB Demo Data versus using JForex or any other Metatrader data?


Re: FSB Demo Data versus JForex or or any other Metatrader data

Hello Don,

The different brokers use different data feeds from their Liquidity Providers. It may happen that some brokers use same LP, but most probably the data will be different. These difference reflects on the strategy performance. It is highly possible a strategy creates and tested on data from one broker to not work well on data from different broker. Even if two brokers use one and the same LP, the may use different time zones.

The Data Download service in FSB uses data from DukasCopy, which is the provider of jForex, so it must be no big difference between Download and jForex results. However, you are going to trade your experts on MT and your MT broker uses different LP.

The best practice is to use data downloaded directly from your MT terminal for creating strategies. It must be easier to export market settings and data files by using the scripts provided in the Premium Club (licensed users only). Two scripts are provided:
- MetaTrader to FSB Data Export
- Export Symbols and Settings from MetaTrader

Re: FSB Demo Data versus JForex or or any other Metatrader data

Popov - would a strategy that works well on one data source, but falls apart on another be indicative of a curve fitted strategy? Presumably a robust strategy should be able to cope with subtle changes in data? Or are we talking potentially significant differences?

Re: FSB Demo Data versus JForex or or any other Metatrader data

There is no a general rule, but from my practice I understand that is better to have:
- smaller number of indicators in a startegy
- rounded or default indicator parameters in an indicator
- data for testing from the same platform where we will trade
- good quality of the historical data - no gaps or spikes
- less than 10 ambiguous bars
- passed Compactor and Monte-Carlo
- similar results on the MT backtest
- guud result on a new (unseen) data
- good performance on a demo account, or even better on a live account with minimal lot size
- no disaster backtest on same data (same time zone) from another data source.