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Forex Software → Technical Indicators → pivotpoints.cs indicator

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Posts: 7

Topic: pivotpoints.cs indicator


I tried to load pivotpoints.cs indicator (downloaded) to FSB indicators folder, but got an error during fsb loading
File name: PivotPoints.cs
ERROR: "PivotPoints" compilation failed.

Have I done something wrong?



Re: pivotpoints.cs indicator

romz wrote:


I tried to load pivotpoints.cs indicator (downloaded) to FSB indicators folder, but got an error during fsb loading
File name: PivotPoints.cs
ERROR: "PivotPoints" compilation failed.

Have I done something wrong?



This indicator is already included in FSB, why do you duplicate? Does the error message say anything else?

Re: pivotpoints.cs indicator

Well, i want to make different opening conditions, for example : if price is lower then weekly pivot AND daily pivot - sell. I cant make it with just 1 pivot indicator.

Re: pivotpoints.cs indicator

maybe you can use higher time frame as well as current time frame.... ie two instances of the same indicator

Re: pivotpoints.cs indicator

romz1 wrote:

Well, i want to make different opening conditions, for example : if price is lower then weekly pivot AND daily pivot - sell. I cant make it with just 1 pivot indicator.

What exactly did you do? Just downloaded the indi from git and put it in the FSB's indi folder? Or you downloaded the indi, modified its source code and then put it into FSB?

Re: pivotpoints.cs indicator

Downloaded the indicator from here
and placed it in indicators folder - C:\Program Files\Forex Strategy Builder Pro\User Files\Indicators.
Started the FSB.

Here is the part of error message:
Filename: Pivot Points.cs
ERROR: "Pivot Points" compilation failed. Line 8 Column 19: Exceeding the allowable number of characters in a character constant. Line 14, Column 56: Unexpected symbol "·". Line 14, Column 85: Unexpected symbol "·". Line 99 Column 32: newline in constant. Line 99 Column 32: Exceeding the allowable number of characters in a character constant.

Re: pivotpoints.cs indicator

There's no problems with the indicator, see attached, I added "romz" to indi name.

Still, I don't understand why did you do it, because that is the same indi already included in the FSB distribution for nearly 10 years I believe.

Post's attachments

pivotpoints.cs 17.28 kb, 8 downloads since 2016-01-19 

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Posts: 7

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Forex Software → Technical Indicators → pivotpoints.cs indicator

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