Topic: historical data won't load


i am a newbie and i do not know how exactly this software works just yet.

so i instaled the forex strategy builder (along with the bridge) just as i saw it in a tutorial posted by popov. than i created a data source folder and named it fxdd. than i opened mt4 platform i loaded history data (can't remember the source) it was M1 bars for 18 months and i saved the csv file from mt4 directly in the fxdd folder (the data source i created it in foresx strategy builder).

when i click new strategy, it gives me this error - Could not find "C:\Program files\...fxdd\EURUSD1.csv" file.
what am i doing wrong? is it becouse it's just the trial period? why doesn't it load the historical data?

pls help, thank you

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Re: historical data won't load

Post a screenshot of your newly created folder.

Probably the naming is off, M1 must be named EURUSD1.csv, M5 EURUSD5.csv and so on.

Re: historical data won't load

ok, so the first time i think i might have saved the file in hst format (i'm not sure) i just saved it from mt4, and it didn't work. as oposed to exporting the history (not saving it) which stored it as csv file and now it works.

but the thing is the history was quite big, 18 months M1 bars (aprox 500 000 bars). but the program doesn't seam to be able to load more than 50 000 bars which is a way smaller sample.

i went to control panel - data horizon - and changed the maximum data bars to a much higher number than it was, but it can't go higher than 50 000. i also did that to maximum intrabars which doesn't seam to go higher than 100 000.

is there any way to increase those numbers? 50 000 M1 bars are not even close to 'enough'. that is somewhere to 2 weeks. what if i need to backtest 1 year or more of M1 bars? can i do that?

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Re: historical data won't load

but the thing is the history was quite big, 18 months M1 bars (aprox 500 000 bars). but the program doesn't seam to be able to load more than 50 000 bars which is a way smaller sample.

Please see this topic: … mitations/

Re: historical data won't load

ok, footon and popov thanks alot guys. i had to export the history from mt4 (in csv format) in order to work. and by changing the .json file i was able to change the maximum limit of loaded bars and now the program has loaded all my 550 000 bars.

thanks again guys

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Re: historical data won't load

I have load the MT4 chart data through the "home" button and have saved the data in the FSB data directory. however, when I open a new strategy the it gives me the error ' cannot find C:\\Program files\...fxdd\us30cash5.csv. whould you please help me with the matter?


Re: historical data won't load

hamed.bakhtyari wrote:

I have load the MT4 chart data through the "home" button and have saved the data in the FSB data directory. however, when I open a new strategy the it gives me the error ' cannot find C:\\Program files\...fxdd\us30cash5.csv. whould you please help me with the matter?


Check the directory if the file is there. Next check if the file is correctly named. Thirdly, maybe you need to add it as symbol first in FSB.

Re: historical data won't load

Thank you for your response Footon.

I change the File's name. now it works, but only timeframe H4 does not load in the FSB, showing "waiting for data". Also timeframe M1, despite showing the data have a not accomplished error for intrabar scanning in the account statistics section. how can I fix it?

Re: historical data won't load

Check if everything is OK with H4: name, format, enough amount of bars.
Intrabar scanning means using lower timeframe data to map out higher timeframes. In FSB M1 is the lowest timeframe, therefore there isn't a way to do intrabar scanning, and frankly there is no practical need for it for M1. Pay attention to the number of ambig. bars for strategies, that will tell you if you need intrabar in the first place.

Re: historical data won't load

Thank you for your help

Re: historical data won't load

Dear Footon,
I checked H4 timeframe and every thing is Ok with it, but still its chart does not shown. I have found out that this issue also happens with other Indexes( NASDAQ, S&P500,..), however, this issue does not happens once I load Forex currency pairs(EURUSD,...). If there are any other procedures to fix the issue like sorting out the data of that  time frame, would you please guide me?


Re: historical data won't load

Please upload one of your data files, which are giving you this error, I'd like to reproduce this error and then we can go from there.

Re: historical data won't load

Here is the file for your consideration.

Re: historical data won't load

here is the file

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US30Cash240.csv 442.82 kb, 1 downloads since 2024-05-21 

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Re: historical data won't load

since the time frames lower than H4 are big in terms of file size, I cannot upload them here. I uploaded other time frame of Dow Jones Index which are being load without error here.

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US30Cash10080.csv 85.62 kb, file has never been downloaded. 

US30Cash1440.csv 228.56 kb, file has never been downloaded. 

US30Cash43200.csv 19.88 kb, file has never been downloaded. 

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Re: historical data won't load

You didn't check the file well enough, you have a problem with time. H4 timeframe should look like 00:00-04:00-08:00-12:00-16:00-20:00 etc, but you have a shift in times: 03:00-07:00-11:00-15:00-19:00-23:00. Fix that and it will load up fine.

Re: historical data won't load

Many thanks Footon.