Topic: Problem with data higher than H1
Hi, I've downloaded data for forex pairs and CFD from my broker (FXCM) from m1 to M1, but FSB doesn't seem to display data beyond H1 timeframe.
FOr example: I download EURUSD for all timeframes, and get as a result the following csv files:
EURUSD1.csv (m1)
EURUSD5.csv (m5)
EURUSD15.csv (m15)
EURUSD30.csv (m30)
EURUSD60.csv (H1)
EURUSD240.csv (H4)
EURUSD1440.csv (D1)
EURUSD10080.csv (W1)
EURUSD43200.csv (M1)
Once I add the symbol, I can use the generator and select EURUSD and up to H1 timeframe, works fine.
Once I switch to H4, D1, W1 or M1, it stays stuck on Waiting for data... even if I wait for several hours for FSB to load (see attached screen cap).
Do I have a problem on the naming of the files beyond H1? or is there a problem with FSB (2.6.0)?
Thanks for your help