Hi Popov,
Thanks for such prompt update to fix the bug.
How about the Break Even issue. Are you going to fix it in the next update. Because the Break even can make a winning strategy into a losing one as I've observed from my trades. My strategies used to make profits but now with the BE not moving the SL, a lot of my strategies were affected because I use the multiple additional lots as a form of profit protection.
Beside BE, is there any other method to protect my profits? Because today, I just saw my trades posting a $128k profit and it turned into a great loss when the trend turned around. Such a pity. Attached is the case as an example in Gold because BE doesn't work for 2 digit.
I've been working on a trading theory that is able (more or less) be used inter-changeable for most currencies. And it works wonderfully for the Gold. So can you add in the Gold data history or at least allow the SL, BE to be used for Gold which is only 2 digit? Or do you have any suggestion how to use my EA (meant for EURUSD) to be used for Gold cos in a 5 digit EURUSD, my BE is 100. How to change it to suits Gold which is 2 digit? I can't put, 1 for BE.
Thanks once again for your speedy work to fix the lot issue.