1 (edited by Brian73 2014-02-16 11:29:06)

Topic: Import Error Message

I am more than frustrated at this point! Has anyone encountered this message when trying to import history data from MT4?

Import AUDUSD1 ... Error (Value was either too large or too small for a Decimal.)
Import AUDUSD5 ... Error (Value was either too large or too small for a Decimal.)
Import AUDUSD15 ... Error (Value was either too large or too small for a

Import AUDUSD30 ... Error (Value was either too large or too small for a

Import AUDUSD60 ... Error (Value was either too large or too small for a

Import AUDUSD240 ... Error (Value was either too large or too small for a .........etc., etc.
You get the point. Same message for every symbol and every timeframe. What am I doing wrong here? I never had a problem before importing history files. Then, after updating MT4 program, started having this problem. I am running MT4 version 4.00, Build 610. And FSB version  I am downloading metaquotes from FXCM Demo 01 server. Any help, please, is greatly appreciated!!

A few things I have already tried: I've uninstalled and reinstalled both FSB and MT4 platform. I've downloaded MT4 history numerous times. For the record, MT4 History files does contain data. I've deleted all early history files, e.g. 1971, 72, 73, etc., which contain no data. However, data never gets imported into FSB. FSB data files count 0 KB data. I've changed FSB Data directory many times... MT4 history data location= C:\Program Files\FXCM MetaTrader 4\history\FXCM-USDDemo01.. FSB destination folder= C:\Program Files\Forex Strategy Builder\User Files\Data....I've pulled my hair out and now I'm bald!!! smile  Well...I may have been bald before, but...you get the point! Any help at all is appreciated ...thankyou in advance.

Re: Import Error Message

That's more bad news then from metaquotes and build 600+...

For the time being, we can conclude the import function is not working. My question: does the data you download show up nicely on MT charts? If it does, try to save it manually File->Save As->FSB Data directory.

3 (edited by Brian73 2014-02-16 14:06:18)

Re: Import Error Message

footon...ty, ty for your reply. so glad to hear something. Yes, I would say the the data shows up nicely in MT chart. And yes, I can save MT4 data file in FSB data file. This will require some manual work and more time but it can be done. Thankyou so much for a workable solution!! I can at least keep my data up to date. From your reply I am guessing there are some more issues with 600+ MT4 build....that does not sound good. Do you think they do this purposely to keep "us" out? Also, if anyone else has a similar issue with importing MT4 history files please post here so I'm sure it is not somehow a problem on my end. If there are more instances, maybe the issue will be corrected. The question I have now is if this is a problem only with metaquotes or is there a problem with other data providers, e.g. dukascopy?? Thanks again footon!! smile
**UPDATE: On further inspection, it is true I can save data from MT4 charts, but whereas before I was downloading 1 minute data from at least several years past(if not more) I am now only able to retrieve about 3 months  of 1 min data sad

Re: Import Error Message

You're welcome, Brian! I'm glad it worked out for you. smile

It is definitely not a problem on your end, the MT update had also a change in .hst files (MT history files) as I just remembered. When the flood of updates stops, and the platform regains its relative stability, and the developer returns back home, then it's most probable that the history file import function can be fixed. The source of this problem is metaquotes.

Unfortunately there are more problems with the update, most importantly FST connection with MT. We are very lucky to have Sergei (Serfel) here, who has produced the fixes. BUT, build 610 might not work yet, unknown bugs from MT can show up, there might be newer builds coming, so adventurous times to say the least. Testing and verifing it all works is of most importance before going live.

Re: Import Error Message

Brian73 wrote:

**UPDATE: On further inspection, it is true I can save data from MT4 charts, but whereas before I was downloading 1 minute data from at least several years past(if not more) I am now only able to retrieve about 3 months  of 1 min data sad

That's a question to broker/metaquotes.

Re: Import Error Message

Sounds like a good idea to find an older version of MT for now. I think thats what I'll do for now as I really need to spend time building strategies with FSB. And time is always precious! Thanks for the info footon!

Re: Import Error Message

I am wondering if you can export to a file from Mt4 and then edit that file according to specs of FSB

8 (edited by serfel 2014-02-16 21:25:41)

Re: Import Error Message

metaquoter's changed the hst format. Changed structure of bars, also changed Low and High places, correction in FSB is necessary. Here temporary variant of load history from mq. In /system/ place your config.xml and instruments.xml (from your FSB\User Files\System) (or simply place only this .exe in directory your FSB).

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Re: Import Error Message

I had a build 509 on my friend's computer, but before I could get to it again Metaquotes killed it and replaced it with build 600. Once again cannot import history files with FSB. The history files do download into the MT4/history/Demo01 file, but cannot import them into FSB. I have tried serfel's Debug file but that did not work for me. Anyone else try that? I have gone back to footon's recommendation to save files to FSB data file. The drawback is the lack of 1 minute data, but some is better than none. I can export MT4 files from the history center to excel or open office, but that is the same amount of data as footon's "save as" method. Are the history files encrypted? I have never seen data files that look the way they do. I don't even see any numbers. I've tried opening them with excel or open office and it makes absolutely no sense. And one more question, are  jforex  users having the same issue? or is this a metaquotes issue only. Any response welcome Thankyou. smile

10 (edited by serfel 2014-02-20 00:48:26)

Re: Import Error Message

Brian73 wrote:

I had a build 509 on my friend's computer, but before I could get to it again Metaquotes killed it and replaced it with build 600. Once again cannot import history files with FSB. The history files do download into the MT4/history/Demo01 file, but cannot import them into FSB. I have tried serfel's Debug file but that did not work for me. Anyone else try that? I have gone back to footon's recommendation to save files to FSB data file. The drawback is the lack of 1 minute data, but some is better than none. I can export MT4 files from the history center to excel or open office, but that is the same amount of data as footon's "save as" method. Are the history files encrypted? I have never seen data files that look the way they do. I don't even see any numbers. I've tried opening them with excel or open office and it makes absolutely no sense. And one more question, are  jforex  users having the same issue? or is this a metaquotes issue only. Any response welcome Thankyou. smile

If you place only .exe in directory your FSB and run it, and what's not work?

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I.png 278.38 kb, file has never been downloaded. 

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11 (edited by Brian73 2014-02-20 01:11:55)

Re: Import Error Message

Okay serfel........I stay with you now till this works. Not the best with computer language. Do I delete the current FSB/user files/system/config and instruments files ??? before I add debug file?? Or not? And where to put Debug file: in main FSB directory? or in FSB/user files/system folder? And by the exe. file you mean MQHistory application file, yes? Thankyou smile

Re: Import Error Message

in main FSB directory (near Forex Strategy Builder.exe) must be only file MQHistory.exe, then it has to take from configuration files path to MQ history and FSB history folders and must be work. It is compiled on VC ++ 2010. Probably, in system VC Redist 2010 isn't established... If not work, tomorrow am evening we will solve this problem...

Re: Import Error Message

I will post before I leave my home computer. No need for immediate reply. I did as you posted. But to no avail. Try to give you a screen shot.

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MT4 Import.JPG 166.12 kb, file has never been downloaded. 

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14 (edited by Brian73 2014-02-20 16:34:56)

Re: Import Error Message

Wow, this is totally ridiculous! Can't even attach an EA to the chart to run FST. I didn't realize how screwed up things have gotten!! Bad, bad bad.......... sad