Topic: 50000 bar instead of 20000

i worked in 20000 bars in 5 minutes strategy,some of strategies are very profitable in 20000 bars,but when i changed bars 50000,some of the very profitable strategies losing money.Some of them is not,they are gaining more but not much profitable.
My question is, "is it better studing 50000 bar instead of 20000" or study in 20000 and change strategy in every month?

My second question is, i am trading in stock market,my program can export graphic files in csv file format,but fsb cannot regocnise it. How can i import my csv file in fsb.
Again,sorry about my english.

Re: 50000 bar instead of 20000

You have to check the data, csv type is not enough. Most commonly OpenHighLowCloseVolume format (OHLCV).
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Re: 50000 bar instead of 20000

Many thanks for answer.

Re: 50000 bar instead of 20000

the more bars you use in a test........ the lower the chance of curve fitting and the better the results will be in future.

Although it takes more time to work with 50,000 bars, there will be better results.