Topic: Daily Updates
Hello users of FSB / FST,
I'll post some thoughts about my work these days.
As you already know, I'm preparing next FSB release. It will be based on latest FSB v2.91 beta.
I'm doing wast minute fixes and hope that the release candidate will be ready till the weekend.
What we can expect more:
- as Slowkey reported, there is a visual issue with indicator lists in Generator when a user uses dark color scheme. A fix will be included.
- There is a major visual issue when a use changes Windows display settings to Medium - 125%
I'll fix this also.
- The text "Generate a new strategy at every start" in Generator is not with a correct meaning. A user can think that if he switch off this option, the Generator will somehow improve his strategy. The true is that this option means that:
when it's off: Generator will start accepting every strategy that has profit > 0;
when it's on: Generator will search a strategy that has greater profit than the current one.
As you see this has nothing common with keeping the same strategy.
I'll change the text to .... Hmm. I cannot see to what. Please for suggestions!
When I finish with FSB v3.0 RC, (hope tomorrow), I'll publish it for testing and will post may plans for the next days.