Topic: Daily Updates

Hello users of FSB / FST,

I'll post some thoughts about my work these days.

As you already know, I'm preparing next FSB release. It will be based on latest FSB v2.91 beta.
I'm doing wast minute fixes and hope that the release candidate will be ready till the weekend.
What we can expect more:
- as Slowkey reported, there is a visual issue with indicator lists in Generator when a user uses dark color scheme. A fix will be included.
- There is a major visual issue when a use changes Windows display settings to Medium - 125%

I'll fix this also.

- The text "Generate a new strategy at every start" in Generator is not with a correct meaning. A user can think that if he switch off this option, the Generator will somehow improve his strategy. The true is that this option means that:
when it's off: Generator will start accepting every strategy that has profit > 0;
when it's on: Generator will search a strategy that has greater profit than the current one.
As you see this has nothing common with keeping the same strategy.
I'll change the text to .... Hmm. I cannot see to what. Please for suggestions!


When I finish with FSB v3.0 RC, (hope tomorrow), I'll publish it for testing and will post may plans for the next days.

Re: Daily Updates

What if replace "Generate a new strategy at every start" with:
"Generate higher profit than the initial strategy"

Re: Daily Updates

That seems to be ok, the new wording.....  people will catch on soon enough.

Re: Daily Updates

FSB v2.98 RC is released so I can continue forward.

- My next task is to fix FSB Pro to be compatible with the final indicators format. Also links to the repo has to be fixed.

- I'll start converting indicators and putting in the repo.

- Repo will be linked from the website navigation menu.

I hope to finish with this task till the weekend.

For the next week my first task will be to publish FST Beta with the new indicators format.

Re: Daily Updates

incredible accomplishment Master Popov.  But I'm confused.  For Live Trading on a MT4 platform, which versions of FSB-FST-EA should be used?

Re: Daily Updates

FST will be updated soon to accept the new indicators format.

For now, you can use the latest FSB 2.98 RC with FST without custom indicators, or FSB v2.76 Release with custom indicators.

FSB will be in RC until we have tested and compatible FST.

Re: Daily Updates

Help.  how about using FSB 2.77.4. 0 Beta [which is what you get when you download 2.76,, now] with custom indicators.  strategies generated with this combo used with FST and doesn't seem to open positions using MT4 FST expert

Re: Daily Updates

FST and doesn't seem to open positions using MT4 FST expert

There is no difference in the strategies. If you can save a strategy with FSB (no mater what version) and open the strategy with FST, it must work.

You can also use the new indicators format in FSB and the old indicators in FST, they will work since there is no changes in the logic.

Re: Daily Updates

I converted and uploaded more than 70 indicators. I think this is enough for now.

Now I'm going to fix FSB Pro to work with the new format. This is a very small change and will be ready in several hours.

Later today I'll start working on FST. I'm not going to add any new features for now except the accepting of  the new indicators formats as cs and dll.

I hope to start the new week with FSB, FST and FSB Pro working with the new indicators and the repo to be linked from the site nav menu.

Re: Daily Updates

Hmm I opened FSB Pro source on my main development desktop computer after a month pause and see some mess with the source. I'm using one desktop and two laptops for developing and synchronizing the code via GitHub. Now I see that I haven't pushed my recent work on FSB Pro.

It will take some time to fix the mess.

Ok, this might be for good. I'll try to fix FST today and to test it with the new indicators before the markets to close.

Re: Daily Updates

FST v2.01 Beta is published. It is compatible with the new indicator's format and uses the new file structure. FST will be additionally updated several times up to releasing of the final version, probably at the end of Jun.

For the new week, I'll do some fixes on FSB Pro:
- fixing the new indicators format
- adding ability for compiling and loading of dll indicators.
- fixing integration with the Code Repository
- adding "One Click Install" of indicators from the Repository.


There is one issue I couldn't fix. Dll indicators compiled from FSB, do not work on FST. I post a question in Stack Overflowed, but no answers so far: Compiled dll from one app doesn't work in other. If you have any ideas, you are welcome to share.

Re: Daily Updates

I found several issues that has to be fixed in FSB and FST.

When a user downloads a strategy from the Repository, it may not work in case of custom indicators used by the strategy have not being installed.

In such a case, FSB  and FST show a general message "Cannot load strategy correctly".

It should be:

Cannot load the strategy because some indicators were not found:
  - CustomIndicator 1
  - CustomIndicator 2
Please find these indicators in Repository or in Custom Indicators forum.

Re: Daily Updates

This is better:

Re: Daily Updates

That looks super......... easy to understand.!!

Re: Daily Updates

I updated FSB this morning. It checks and reports issues with indicators.

I also applied these reports to FST.
I'll add DIB Section paint on some panels for smoother repaint and reducing image flickering. Now I did it for balance chart and the result is good. I'll update also Tick chart, journal and will test  on main chart.

When I finish with this later today, I'll update FST beta.

Re: Daily Updates

Today I'll have 5-6 hours for codding. I'll take FSB Pro and will try to implement compilation of indicators to dll.

Tomorrow I'll make cashing of strategies index form Repository and will add Indicators page. My goal is to make one click install of indicators in FSB Pro.

I hope to publish next FSB Pro Alpha with support of new indicators format and repo integration on the weekend.

Re: Daily Updates

Noting constructive for today.

Many hours of debugging of strange problems. I'll take a rest for the weekend.
I'll resume the coding on Monday.

Re: Daily Updates

There are several changes in FSB from the latest RC:
- Fixed bug reported by Doug: Generator doesn't select proper indicator values. The bug was in inproper initialization of indicators.
- Fixed issue when installer doesn't delete config files when users wants it.
- Added debugging code that has to report eventual errors when FSB loads custom indicators. This addition fixes a mysterious crash of FSB on @slipshod's computer.
- Starting splash screen is no longer TopMost. This will allow an eventual message at startup to be visible.
- Fixed links to Repository.

It's sounds to me enough for releasing of next RC. It will ensure less reports during the weekend.

Re: Daily Updates

I''ll release next FST RC late this evening.
It will include fix for .NET versions issue during loading of custom indicators.
Also it will check if the strategy you load uses specific features from FSB Pro (signal shift, indicator symbol and higher time frame). If so, it will show a warning message that the strategy may not trade as expected.

Similar warning message must be added to FSB also: "Strategy may show different backtest result"

Re: Daily Updates

Hello dear followers,

I'm preparing a new alpha version of FSB Pro. It will include only organisational updates:
- support of the new indicators format
- better integration with Repository (one click install of strategies and indicators)
- custom proxy settings.

I'll try to upload it tomorrow.
During the next week I'll fix some posts and articles in the website.
Also I'll make some minor fixes to FSB and FST and after that I'll release the final versions.

I'll work mainly on FSB Pro on July and August. My goal is to have working multi-thread Generator and Optimizer on September.

Re: Daily Updates

I'm prototyping integration of FST in FSB Pro

- Builder mode
- Trader Mode

Re: Daily Updates

Popov wrote:

I'm prototyping integration of FST in FSB Pro

- Builder mode
- Trader Mode

Great news:)
How do you handle indicators like spread limiter which is working in fst only?

Re: Daily Updates

How do you handle indicators like spread limiter which is working in fst only?

It will be possible to set in Builder mode but obviously it will not affect backtest. It will work normally in trader mode.

Re: Daily Updates

MT4 Bridge is integrated in FSB Pro. It can connect and read data.
It is the first step towards the full integration. However I'm very happy from that small success.

Re: Daily Updates

Popov wrote:

MT4 Bridge is integrated in FSB Pro. It can connect and read data.
It is the first step towards the full integration. However I'm very happy from that small success.

This is exciting wink Do i smell FSB trading capabilities soon wink ?