togr wrote:dlugi wrote:Hi Gurus,
is it possible to close trade with 1pip profit ?
In the FSB I have found "Closing Point of the Position" - Take profit.
The problem is that is setting TP parameter during opening the trade.
How to configure "automatic close trade" if the profit equal +1 pip ? I`m not thinking about the TP/SL parameters. I`m thinking about the moment when profit = 1pip
Is it possible to do this ?
I do not think this is matter of FSB/FST
A. 1 pip movement is not enough to cover spread + markup + commission
B. Why don't to set up TP at the opening. If your trade is profitable it might be too late to place the TP
C. When your profit will be 1 pip you can't place TP to 1 pip. It is not allowed by broker. You can only close position that has rpofit 1 pip and do it fast.
D. To do it use some equity manager - script that run on MT4 every tick and when your equity increase it will close the position. Or some other MT4 EA.
------------ my suggestions ----------------------------------
A. 1pip movement not... but if I see 0.08E (cost with spread for 1 pip) its profitable
B. Minimum TP = 5 pips... In my scalping strategy its not working
C. This I know... I`m interestin only about 1profit pip = 0.08E
D. Im not interesting about EA. I would like to connect my strategy from FSB with "1 profit pip automatic close rule"
Is it possible to configure in FSB or FST ?
1 pip = Equity 0.08E ======> CLOSE IMMEDIETLY!
Do You know how to do it ?