Lets make one thing clear - I DID NOT program FSB or thought out its concept! That is Mr. Popov's honour.
With WTF RSI Krog helps you out.
How it is possible to use OR , AND?
These mark the use of logical groups. A very short but sufficient explanation - http://forexsb.com/forum/post/10143/#p10143
I cannot understand what mean "The Slow %D is higher than the Level line" when i said i want that stoch crossed and be above its signal and its signal max be under 50 level!!! you write it 2 also!
You said you don't want the signal to take place in one bar, so my solution is the trade-off here. Given the capabilities offered by FSB, it is not possible to setup a strat with an entry which takes place "after a cross 2-3 bars later".
Your strategy doesn't need previous bar usage control altercation. It is strongly advised you leave previous bar usage control to automatic, so FSB determines for you whether previous bar value is to be used or not. If you say you get very good results without previous bar value usage, then of course, that is normal, but bear in mind the backtest is not reliable then! It gets the values from the future, therefore it is not reproducable in live trading. A signal bar has to be closed in order to confirm whether a signal is valid or not!
While optimize i will get values of 1 for stoch d! What is this mean? And will receive a 99% HIGH profitable result from just a stoch 20 1!!!
Optimization is finding the best possible indicator parameter combination of highest profit or other parameter (drawdown, win-loss ratio etc, it is settable). I can't really comment on your result, it's just the way it is. Very high profitability can be a very good thing, or a very bad one, I suggest you study optimization, there are many books and webpages about it, especially turn your attention to curve-fitting.
just refer and do not shame me!
I'm not shaming you, after reading the manual and working with FSB you see, that you need to know how FSB works, its working principle, the basic stuff in other words. If you have a basic understanding, then you can ask precise questions and get answers which help you carry on with your ideas. Asking the impossible in terms of FSB capabilities gets everyone confused, and that's a waste, isn't it? Please remember it is not a commercial program or forum.
Hope this helps!