The most important thing I would like to see is an alternative close separate from the main logic so that the position is always closed at the end of the week to avoid the weekend gap. At the moment I have many strategies that look good but I have to manually look at the results to see if they are as a result of the price gap in the direction of the trade over the weekend. This is very time consuming and doesn't really lend itself to optimisation.
In these volatile times the mere thought of holding a position over the weekend gives me sleepless nights. All we need is for the US to start bombing Iran, or the Italians to default on their sovereign debt one weekend and Monday morning my position could be 2500 pips light. The most important aspect in forex trading is defining and limiting risk. I know many traders will say that the weekend gap is not important because on average you will win just as many times as you lose. That may be true but you only need one Black Swan event to blow up your account and I see the weekend gap as a Black Swan in waiting. I could still be caught during normal trading times but my stop should always save me the worst of the pain even if there is a lot of slippage.
This thread explains exactly what would be needed:-
I have tried building strategies based on the week close as exit by locking in the slot but they always fall way behind other exit strategies like a trailing stop.
So to summarise, an alternate close at the end of the week that works in parallel to the strategy closing logic would be much appreciated.