binaryoptions wrote:Footon,
I found the following while browing the Users FAQ forum...apparently the only way now to "suppress" the optimization of price openings/closing and indicators that Generator run is to not run the generator. Simply input the parameters in the main FSB screen. Here is the post:
footon wrote:Unfortunately not, I miss it A LOT too. It's not certain yet but I've understood there's a good possibility this feature to be available in next releases, anyhow back this idea in wish-list threads.
That is correct, but my intention is to use the generator without it optimizing every indicator it chooses, and at the same time narrow down the list of indicators to be used in the generating sequence. Manual approach is possible, but it is very time consuming, and finding the best setting for logic/method/base price manually is out of the question actually.
The more I work with FSB, the more I see it's designed to suit only one direct way of thinking, but this needs to be changed by introducing various other methods for generation and maybe even for optimization process, right now one has to adapt to FSB, but it would be wonderful if FSB itself could be adapted to one's needs and ideas.