Topic: APS pattern searching program

I came across the APS software which scan all available candlestck formations regarding to there relationships with each other
there logic to compare between O H L C of the consecutive bars ( up to 6 bars) and test every candle combination as a separate setup
and i try to search the net to find any trials to transfere the logic into C# but didnot find it , the only trial done by stratasearch software and they managed to transfere the software logic into an indicator
so i wonder if any body could help building such indicator into FSB


Re: APS pattern searching program

There are some ideas on
Candles and I hope to create a directory for the types of candles

3 (edited by FOX000 2010-09-06 04:58:36)

Re: APS pattern searching program

This  has taken  from you
And make some Change
Is well with the other  indicator signals
Need to be modified and the development of

  Add Prametr function
Ratio of the  candle size with the size  of Shadow
Can be useful for For your project

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doj.cs 5.14 kb, 30 downloads since 2010-09-06 

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4 (edited by FOX000 2010-09-06 04:52:48)

Re: APS pattern searching program

   I wrote the code quickly

Need to be modified and development
it for test

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big_candil.cs 4.96 kb, 33 downloads since 2010-09-06 

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Re: APS pattern searching program

hello FOX and thnx for reply ,
what i mean here is to compare more than two candles using OHLC of all candles which is totaly different ( i think so)
It is a (Permutations or Combinations or both together Variations ) but not the normal operation like ABC,ACB,CBA,CAB ,..... but we have to use rational operators inside the logic to make it A>B>C and also to make some conditions which are for example H1 cannot be < O1 ,L1,C1  and also L1 must be the smaller No. in the data set (O1H1L1C1)  , Any Ideas


Re: APS pattern searching program

Dear all
attached here a candlestick pattern indicator (BBB) , i make it by altering the three swing pattern indicator

And the question is : ho to add more than one candle pattern in one indicator
for example ( Three bar swing pattern , BBB , IB and outside bar ) all in one .cs file


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BBB.cs 3.72 kb, 33 downloads since 2010-09-07 

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7 (edited by FOX000 2010-09-08 08:20:08)

Re: APS pattern searching program

Sorry I do not have time to write the code And tested at this time
but i make Little change I hope that  help you

This  is  the indicator with some change and tips

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bbbb.cs 4.86 kb, 35 downloads since 2010-09-08 

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Re: APS pattern searching program

There was an error
I repaired

9 (edited by ahmedalhoseny 2010-09-08 23:24:53)

Re: APS pattern searching program

Dear FOX
thanx for indicator but all patterns shows only one pattern

i made the indicator but using if else statment but i couldnot manage to close the statment because we have to close with else ( default condition) but here we have two conditions adUp and adDn !!!!

any help will be appreciaed


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project candles.cs 5.13 kb, 34 downloads since 2010-09-08 

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Re: APS pattern searching program

this kinde  of  indicator is  not work in fst

Re: APS pattern searching program

Dear FOX
I didnot understand , may you explain it to me why candlestick indicator cannot work with FST !!!

And regarding to the indicator itself how we fix it to work!!!!

Many thanx in advance

Re: APS pattern searching program

I do not know
you will discover that

Re: APS pattern searching program

Dear Popov and any coder wish to help
I try to build an indicator containing many candles formations lets say 10 formations and needs to test all these formations for long and for short
Is that possible !!

i try hard to find how but all my trials failed

Attached here and indicator ( i used only two candle formations in it for simplesty) but it fails to find any pattern


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AA.cs 4.3 kb, 25 downloads since 2010-09-15 

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Re: APS pattern searching program

I'll check it.
Please make a simple sketch of the formation and attach it in the forum. I cannot understand from the code what the pattern is.

Re: APS pattern searching program

I made AA indicator working, but I'm not sure about the logic and the pattern.

Post's attachments

AA.cs 3.95 kb, 39 downloads since 2010-09-15 

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Re: APS pattern searching program

Dear Popov and thanx for the fast reply

My problem with the logic !!!!

Attached here two pictures for the AA indicator one with pattern Y active and the other with pattern X active and both show the same results !!!

My idea is to put for example three different candles patterns in one indicator and we use these patter one for long and the other for short for each pattern
So if the indicator contains three patterns X ,Y and Z patterns it should give me Six different results

Re: APS pattern searching program

Dear Popov
lets say i have
bull Doji & dark Cloud Cover  in one indicator so to use these patterns i have to assign Bull Doji with a buy order ( adUp) and darck cloud with a sell order (adDn)
so the indicator will lock only for buys if it find a bull doji and will search only for sell setups when find darck cloud

But what i f i want to search for (FOUR) setups instead of two so it will search for
buy setups for bull doji
sell setups for bull doji
buy setups for darck cloud
sell setups for darck cloud

is it possible
