I've tried to improve the strategy as I set closing of the position in both BB.
I decide to set double BB close filters, that have to close the position when the market closes over the upper band
ind below the lower bound.
Of course, to do this I set Price Close in the [ Close ] slot first.
And I set two BB filters with logics:
Price Close is greater than the upper bound. and
Price Close is lower than the bottom bound.
Balance: -45 pips
Min account: -294 pips
Max drawdown: 1107 pips
Time in position: 36 %
The same direction signal - does Nothing
The opposite direction signal - does Nothing
[Open] Price Open
[Filter] MACD
Logic The MACD Line crosses the zero line from below.
Smoothing Method Exponential
Base Price Close
Period Slow Line 27
Period Fast Line 11
Period Signal Line 9
Use previous bar value True
[Close] Price Close
[Filter] Bollinger Bands
Logic The Price Close is greater than the Up Band.
Smoothing Method Simple
Base Price Close
Period 48
Multiplier 2.14
Use previous bar value False
[Filter] Bollinger Bands
Logic The Price Close is lower than the Down Band.
Smoothing Method Simple
Base Price Close
Period 48
Multiplier 2.14
Use previous bar value False
You see, the result is not good.
The difference is now we close the position on both BB and this cuts some winning deals too early.
In addition I sow another problem. This logic allows a position to be opened at price outside the BB.
There is no filter to restrict this.
See here:

This is wrong. We open a short position that has to be restricted in both sides from the upper and lower BB, bat what to do when we open outside of the BBs ???????
A decision is to set two more open filters:
BB - Price Open is lower than the upper band and
BB - Price Open is greater than the lower band
Balance: 7 pips
Min account: -198 pips
Max drawdown: 1046 pips
Time in position: 35 %
The same direction signal - does Nothing
The opposite direction signal - does Nothing
[Open] Price Open
[Filter] MACD
Logic The MACD Line crosses the zero line from below.
Smoothing Method Exponential
Base Price Close
Period Slow Line 27
Period Fast Line 11
Period Signal Line 9
Use previous bar value True
[Filter] Bollinger Bands
Logic The Price Open is lower than the Up Band.
Smoothing Method Simple
Base Price Close
Period 48
Multiplier 2.14
Use previous bar value True
[Filter] Bollinger Bands
Logic The Price Open is greater than the Down Band.
Smoothing Method Simple
Base Price Close
Period 48
Multiplier 2.14
Use previous bar value True
[Close] Price Close
[Filter] Bollinger Bands
Logic The Price Close is greater than the Up Band.
Smoothing Method Simple
Base Price Close
Period 48
Multiplier 2.14
Use previous bar value False
[Filter] Bollinger Bands
Logic The Price Close is lower than the Down Band.
Smoothing Method Simple
Base Price Close
Period 48
Multiplier 2.14
Use previous bar value False
Good logic, but bad result!!
I love this program, I check my logics in a minute.