I was trying the same thing. I first tried FSB many years ago when it was freeware, back in the days when I first tried expert advisors in MT4, recently, I remembered about this software as I was looking at auto EA generation software so thought I would give it a shot again now that I was testing some automated systems and wanted to build some of my own ones.
Using Tickstory there is an option to export CSV files labeled specifically as "Forex SB Bar Format" Popov definitely has us nailed down accurately as to what we are after
So the option is there but when I tried it did not work for me. I thought that odd so maybe it is for something else. Even though I own a licence for Tickstory, support is not provided as I do not subscribe for that.
With MT4 its data science (shall we say very loosely) is so flawed we have the problem of it using extrapolated data instead of tick data. It could use server based ticks or proprietary compressed files for storing ticks and only load small windows on a chart or testing as and when needed but this is not a thing.
My main reason is to import a lot of price data and to ensure it is accurate as possible. These things matter. So I understand if bar price data format is accurate then that is also fine. That just leaves me with the date range.
So Forex Strategy Builder Pro does not need tick data which is great but Tickstory uses JForex price data anyway. It seems there is no point doing this then even though we can use Tickstory to export our own bar price data into files?
I asked about this as I was unsure about the correct data format and do not have liberty of too much time for this. I cannot find all the answers so I imagine me asking will frustrate anyone here.
On this site we can generate data but the date range is not all the same period.
EURUSD M1 200000 2019-08-28 06:50 2020-03-12 00:00
EURUSD M5 200000 2017-07-06 06:20 2020-03-12 00:00
EURUSD M15 200000 2012-03-01 14:00 2020-03-12 00:00
EURUSD M30 164728 2007-01-01 00:00 2020-03-12 00:00
EURUSD H1 82369 2007-01-01 00:00 2020-03-12 00:00
EURUSD H4 21289 2007-01-01 00:00 2020-03-12 00:00
EURUSD D1 4128 2007-01-01 00:00 2020-03-12 00:00
Perhaps I am asking for too much, for data of at least 15 years to see how consistent a strategy is for all market conditions when automated. I may still use the software for EA generation but without the price data it seems half complete to me. Maybe I am going about this the wrong way? I would consider purchasing a licence for this software but I do not have enough free time to put in during any trial period and tinker around until it is setup as I need. I test Automated Trading Systems in MT4 with 99.9% model quality over at least 10 year period to see where a strategy fails and succeeds so I can make improvements. I know I won't find the grail, I just know I can make improvements.
I know I can just use the software for generation of strategy building into an EA, test it in MT4 with 99.9% model quality, which is a very great thing to have. These are just my thoughts on this anyway. This seems the way to go. Any advice or comments on this may be appreciated. Like the OP - I won't be wasting time on this.