Topic: MT4 data doesn't go back far enough on some symbols

Hi there

I am trying to load at least 200,000 bars of data for a number of instruments by opening an MT4 chart and pressing 'Home' until it stops scrolling back.  I do this on all timeframes and then load the EA Studio Data Export script to get the data into json.  This works on some instruments, however many will only go back a year or sometimes less.  Is there any trick to getting more data to load?  I have already set the max number of bars in History and Chart to well over 200,000 so this shouldn't be the problem. 

As an example, on US30 I can only go back to 24 June 2016 on a H1 timeframe, but can go back to 7 August 2008 on D1.  M1 only goes back to 24 October 2017.

Thanks in advance.

Re: MT4 data doesn't go back far enough on some symbols

You can download data from Dukas or use MT5 or Tickstory.

Re: MT4 data doesn't go back far enough on some symbols

i have Birt's Tick Data Suite 2 and have backtested a strategy on 1 min timeframe, but still can't get the chart to go back any further than 30k or so bars.

Re: MT4 data doesn't go back far enough on some symbols

I am unfamiliar with Birt's service...., I try to not introduce things to FSBPro to complicate things.

You might have a look at Ducas, although it will not be the same as your broker data

Re: MT4 data doesn't go back far enough on some symbols

MetaTrader collects the data when it runs. With the time it will collect bars.
I'm running a MT from 3 years and have now more than 200 000 bars from that broker. However the data depends on the liquidity provider and the time zone, so data from one provider may not work for another.