Topic: Tester will not trade, order send retry

All strategies produced in EA studio for mt5 will not trade in the tester. It just reports “order send retry” over and over again.

Any advice?


Re: Tester will not trade, order send retry

Hello Josh Welcome on board!
Probaly your brokers accepts only "ORDER_FILLING_RETURN" as Filling Type

Find in the code


and overwrite it to

orderFillingType = ORDER_FILLING_RETURN; 

try it and give a feedback; see you soon

Re: Tester will not trade, order send retry


thanks for the input. i see something like this around line 331 of the code. can you take a look at the attachment please?


Post's attachments

EA Studio EURUSD M30 134.1.mq4 13.48 kb, 2 downloads since 2017-11-24 

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Re: Tester will not trade, order send retry

Hello Vini and Josh,

Please post the progress of the fix. If it works, I'll implement it in the standard EA code.
Please try to make it working for all broker without changes. For example the EA may detect the proper order filling settings at the initialization.

Trade Safe!

Re: Tester will not trade, order send retry

Vini and Popov,

Sorry I attached the wrong file.  I attached it now and here seems to be the closest code to match what you are saying.  I just am not sure what to do with it.

bool IsFillingTypeAllowed(int fillingType)
   int filling=(int)SymbolInfoInteger(_Symbol,SYMBOL_FILLING_MODE);
   return (filling&fillingType==fillingType);


Post's attachments

EA Studio EURUSD M30 134.1.mq5 14.81 kb, 1 downloads since 2017-11-24 

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6 (edited by ViniQ 2017-11-24 15:31:44)

Re: Tester will not trade, order send retry

here seems to be the closest code to match what you are saying.

Please look at your file again, at line 64, there is a surprise for you cool