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Forex Software → Expert Advisor Studio → EA Studio German Translation

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Posts: 12

Topic: EA Studio German Translation

Hello Miroslav,

can you answer me the PM?

I am interest if my translate was ok or not?

Greets, Marcus.

Re: EA Studio German Translation

Hello Markus,

I'll upload it on tomorrow. I'll send you also the list of not translated files.

Re: EA Studio German Translation

Popov wrote:

Hello Markus,

I'll upload it on tomorrow. I'll send you also the list of not translated files.

mhhhh, this 2 Files that you have send me, that i have translate. Is it more Files?

Re: EA Studio German Translation

No, but there are some phrases that are not translated to German.

Re: EA Studio German Translation

Popov wrote:

No, but there are some phrases that are not translated to German.

Mhhh, i have thinked that i have all translated?!?

Re: EA Studio German Translation

The German translation is uploaded !!!

Great job!

Here are the not translated phrases. Probably some of them do not need translation at all, but there are some new phrases added after we sent you the files.

Please translate only the right-hand part of the lines.


 "Reactor": "Reactor",
  "Validator": "Validator",
  "Register a free 15 days trial account.": "Register a free 15 days trial account.",
  "Your trial account has been successfully created!": "Your trial account has been successfully created!",
  "Please check your email for your login information.": "Please check your email for your login information.",
  "You have to login within 24 hours.": "You have to login within 24 hours.",
  "Sign Up": "Sign Up",
  "Sign up to": "Sign up to",
  "Name": "Name",
  "Phone": "Phone",
  "Please enter your real data in order to receive your credentials.": "Please enter your real data in order to receive your credentials.",
  "Purchase": "Purchase",
  "Lifetime License": "Lifetime License",
  "Single Payment": "Single Payment",
  "Buy Now": "Buy Now",
  "Email": "Email",
  "Symbol": "Symbol",
  "Swap type": "Swap type",
  "Swap 3 days": "Swap 3 days",
  "Expert Advisor": "Expert Advisor",
  "Max drawdown": "Max drawdown",
  "Start": "Start",
  "Out of Sample": "Out of Sample",
  "In sample": "In sample",
  "Portfolio Expert": "Portfolio Expert",
  "Id": "Id",
  "Stats info": "Stats info",
  "Terminal": "Terminal",
  "Server": "Server",
  "Balance": "Balance",
  "Position": "Position",
  "Legal": "Legal",
  "Stagnation": "Stagnation",
  "General": "General",
  "Journal": "Journal",
  "Monte Carlo": "Monte Carlo",
  "SQN": "SQN",
  "Min (pips)": "Min (pips)",
  "Max (pips)": "Max (pips)",
  "Trades": "Trades",
  "Parameter": "Parameter",
  "Value": "Value",
  "OOS Monitor": "OOS Monitor",
  "In Sample": "In Sample",
  "Toggle": "Toggle",
  "Start the backtest from bar 100": "Start the backtest from bar 100"


  "Home": "Home",
  "Validator": "Validator",
  "Monte Carlo": "Monte Carlo",
  "Multi Market": "Multi Market",
  "OOS Monitor": "OOS Monitor",
  "Name is not valid.": "Name is not valid.",
  "Email is not valid.": "Email is not valid.",
  "Phone is not valid.": "Phone is not valid.",
  "Trial account is created.": "Trial account is created.",
  "Please check your email.": "Please check your email.",
  "Parameter": "Parameter",
  "Stop Loss": "Stop Loss",
  "Take Profit": "Take Profit",
  "Median": "Median",
  "Exponential": "Exponential"

Re: EA Studio German Translation


 "Reactor": "Reaktor",
  "Validator": "Validierer",
  "Register a free 15 days trial account.": "Regstrieren Sie ein kostenloses 15-Tage-Test-Konto.",
  "Your trial account has been successfully created!": "Ihr Testkonto wurde erfolgreich erstellt!",
  "Please check your email for your login information.": "Bitte überprüfen Sie Ihre E-Mail-Adresse für Ihre Login Informationen.",
  "You have to login within 24 hours.": "Sie müssen sich innerhalb der nächsten 24 Stunden anmelden.",
  "Sign Up": "Anmelden",
  "Sign up to": "Anmelden für",
  "Name": "Name",
  "Phone": "Telefon",
  "Please enter your real data in order to receive your credentials.": "Bitte geben Sie Ihre echten Daten ein, um Ihre Zugangsdaten zu erhalten.",
  "Purchase": "Kaufen",
  "Lifetime License": "Lebenslange Lizenz",
  "Single Payment": "Einmalzahlung",
  "Buy Now": "Jetzt kaufen",
  "Email": "Email",
  "Symbol": "Symbol",
  "Swap type": "Wechselkurs",
  "Swap 3 days": "Wechselkurs 3 Tage",
  "Expert Advisor": "Experten Berater",
  "Max drawdown": "Maximaler Drawdown",
  "Start": "Start",
  "Out of Sample": "Außerhalb der Daten",
  "In sample": "Innerhalb der Daten",
  "Portfolio Expert": "Portfolio-Experte",
  "Id": "ID",
  "Stats info": "Statistik-Information",
  "Terminal": "Terminal",
  "Server": "Server",
  "Balance": "Balance",
  "Position": "Position",
  "Legal": "Legal",
  "Stagnation": "Stagnation",
  "General": "General",
  "Journal": "Journal",
  "Monte Carlo": "Monte Carlo",
  "SQN": "SQN",
  "Min (pips)": "Min (pips)",
  "Max (pips)": "Max (pips)",
  "Trades": "Trades",
  "Parameter": "Parameter",
  "Value": "Wert",
  "OOS Monitor": "OOS Monitor",
  "In Sample": "Innerhalb der Daten",
  "Toggle": "umschalten",
  "Start the backtest from bar 100": "Starte den Backtest von Bar 100"


  "Home": "Home",
  "Validator": "Validator",
  "Monte Carlo": "Monte Carlo",
  "Multi Market": "Multi Market",
  "OOS Monitor": "OOS Monitor",
  "Name is not valid.": "Name ist ungültig.",
  "Email is not valid.": "Email ist ungültig.",
  "Phone is not valid.": "Telefonnummer ist ungültig.",
  "Trial account is created.": "Testkonto ist erstellt.",
  "Please check your email.": "Bitte überprüfe Deine E-Mail.",
  "Parameter": "Parameter",
  "Stop Loss": "Stop Loss",
  "Take Profit": "Take Profit",
  "Median": "Median",
  "Exponential": "Exponential"

I have the most translate to German, but any words i have let Englisch, in Trading few words it is better say or read in Englisch. The german translate is then not good.

I hope it is ok for you.

Greetings, Marcus smile

Re: EA Studio German Translation

Thank you.
I'll upload the fixed translation today.

Re: EA Studio German Translation

Hello Marcus,

I put your translations into the program. They will soon be online. Thank you!

Can I please ask for some more clarifications here and there?

I am not quite sure about the correct translation here:

"Swap type": "Wechselkurs",
"Swap 3 days": "Wechselkurs 3 Tage",

Wechselkurs translates as Exchange Rate.. and we're talking about Swap here. I believe Swap to be something very different from Exchange Rate. Am I correct?

I am also wondering about this. We use "Out of Sample" in one place and "Außerhalb der Daten" in another. (see screenshot link)

"Out of Sample": "Außerhalb der Daten",

Last one is:

"Portfolio Expert": "Portfolio-Experte",

Portfolio Expert is meant to be "(a single/only one) Portfolio Expert". I believe Portfolio-Experte to be in plural form, right? I think it should become single form.

Once again thanks for your help smile

Re: EA Studio German Translation

yavor99 wrote:

Hello Marcus,

I put your translations into the program. They will soon be online. Thank you!

Can I please ask for some more clarifications here and there?

I am not quite sure about the correct translation here:

"Swap type": "Wechselkurs",
"Swap 3 days": "Wechselkurs 3 Tage",

Wechselkurs translates as Exchange Rate.. and we're talking about Swap here. I believe Swap to be something very different from Exchange Rate. Am I correct?

I am also wondering about this. We use "Out of Sample" in one place and "Außerhalb der Daten" in another. (see screenshot link)

"Out of Sample": "Außerhalb der Daten",

Last one is:

"Portfolio Expert": "Portfolio-Experte",

Portfolio Expert is meant to be "(a single/only one) Portfolio Expert". I believe Portfolio-Experte to be in plural form, right? I think it should become single form.

Once again thanks for your help smile


You are right, sorry.

Swap it better when you write:   "Finanzierungskosten über Nacht"
Swap 3 Days: "Finanzierungskosten für 3 Tage"

Out of Sample = "Außerhalb der Daten"
In Sample = "Innerhalb der Daten"

Maybe for Trader is it better to write the Englisch words. The Translate is the right Translate.

Portfolio Expert = "Portfolio Experte"
Portfolio Experts = "Portfolio Experten"

Hope all ok now, answer when you have Questions smile

Greetings, Marcus

Re: EA Studio German Translation

Vielen Dank

Re: EA Studio German Translation

i am gladly, when i can help smile

Posts: 12

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