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Forex Software → Help and Support → Insufficient historical data

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Posts: 3

1 (edited by coldfire2 2015-08-10 18:27:48)

Topic: Insufficient historical data

I think to ask something already discussed before, but i didn't find the correspondent post.

I just transferred my license from a machine to another.
In the new machine i dowloaded MT4 and now i can't see anymore the daily historical data before of March 2012 on Mt4,
instead i continue to see those data in the old machine(precisely i have data from 2005 onwards).
Is there some settings on MT4 to get the whole data horizon?
I think is pratically impossible to work with just 3 years of data on the daily chart.

Re: Insufficient historical data

You can expand the limits in MT4 Options.

Later on open the required chart. Zoom out the chart and press and hold Home key until the terminal loads all available data.

Check if the new terminal is connected to the same server as the old one.
If you cannot load more data, it is possible the old data to be downloaded from MetaQuotes from the History Center (bad practice).

Re: Insufficient historical data

I downloaded the historical data from metaquotes(from 1971), but now i noticed a change in the equity curve of my strategies compared to the old machine with real data.
Pratically i downloaded different data to the real historical, so it's anyway unusable.

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Forex Software → Help and Support → Insufficient historical data

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